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A little satire upon the travelling English seems, by the way, to be as agreeable at Copenhagen as at Paris. Our Danish friends are quite welcome to it; we only wish for their sakes that, in the present instance, it had been a little more lively and pungent. Our Hans Andersen is too weak in the wrist, has not arm strong enough "to crack the satyric thong."

As he switched out of the ship's annunciator system, Captain Nails Andersen leaned back in his chair and stretched in relief, closing his eyes and running briefly over the details of the evacuation. When he opened them again, he found a pinch bottle of coffee at his elbow, and tasting it, found it sugared and creamed to his preference.

She came to get a part for her daughter; it was one of the prompter's duties to copy the parts for the various actors. But who was this daughter? Fraulein Clara, the fair Amalie of The Robbers, the lovely leading lady of the theatre. My daughter has an autograph of Andersen containing the words, "Life is the fairest fairy tale." Ay, our lives are often like fairy tales.

There they found the grandmother and everything just as it had been, but when they went through the doorway they found they were grown-up. There were the roses on the leads; it was summer, warm, glorious summer. The Fir-tree Translated from the German of Hans Christian Andersen. There was once a pretty little fir-tree in a wood.

It will be seen that literary tales, such as those of Hans Andersen and Lord Brabourne, based though they often are upon tradition, are excluded from Fairy Tales as thus defined. Much no doubt might be said both interesting and instructive concerning these brilliant works. But it would be literary criticism, a thing widely different from the scientific treatment of Fairy Tales.

Gabriel Andersen stood in the road near a crowd of dark, sad, absent-minded people and craned his neck to see the preparations for the flogging of seven peasants. They stood in the thawing snow, and Gabriel Andersen could not persuade himself that they were people whom he had long known and understood.

They much prefer it to Andersen. The naming of the libraries and of the groups of children is a new feature. Of our nine libraries five are named for children. The plan is a popular one and several gifts of that sort have been received. In one case a small framed picture of the child for whom the library is named goes with it and the children seem to have a positive affection for the picture.

"Hans Christian Andersen has a story about the elder tree, but it is not very clear what position the fairy of the elder tree bears in tradition," said Hardy. "There is supposed to exist in the elder tree a supernatural being, a gnome or fairy, called the Hyldemøer, or fairy of the elder tree," replied the Pastor.

So they walked around, and were at an entrance. A cabman put down a woman and some children just as Mr. Andersen had said, "We were going up there some day, you know; we ought to go before everything has faded." "Yes," she made answer. "See here, we might get this cab and go up now" looking up with eager inquiry. Dickens had not created Mr.

Terror gripped the soul of Gabriel Andersen as he thought of the moment when the man would rise and face all the people who had seen his body bared out in the open and reduced to a bloody pulp. He closed his eyes.