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It always seems as if lilacs and poplars belonged to the same generation with a certain kind of New English gentlemen and ladies, who were ascetic and severe in some of their fashions, while in others they were more given to pleasuring and mild revelry than either their ancestors or the people who have lived in their houses since.

Here and there in the discourse we catch a word, a phrase, a sentence something which, from ancestors whose mother-speech it was, we have inherited the capacity to understand; but the homily as a whole is devoid of meaning.

The people were in the presence of one of those galling restraints on their own liberty to which the jealousy of the magistracy, expressed in the constitutional creations of their ancestors, so often led. Baebius was immediately subjected to the terrorism which Octavius, his forerunner in tribunician constancy, had once withstood.

She will never crouch like Isachar to chains and fetters while any portion of the noble spirit of her ancestors who transmitted this fair inheritance at a mighty expense, remains to impel them to noble exertions.

The young Lord Aveleyn returned to the hall of his ancestors, exchanging the gloomy cockpit for the gay saloon, the ship's allowance for sumptuous fare, the tyranny of his messmates and the harshness of his superiors for adulation and respect. Was he happier? No. In this world, whether in boyhood or riper years, the happiest state of existence is when under control.

These parks and woods are islets of the olden time, dotted here and there in the midst of the most modern agricultural scenery. These deer and their ancestors have been confined within the pale for hundreds of years, and though in a sense free, they are in no sense wild. But the old power remains still. See the buck as he starts away, and jumps at every leap as high as the fern.

"Well, if it's any comfort to know it, you've opened my eyes about as wide as they will go. What is your real name?" "Michael Ryan. Me father came from Cork a real fine country for fighting men, and I understand that, once upon a time, my ancestors had a great kingdom beyond the Shannon.

Unless, indeed well, we know the vicissitudes of families perhaps your ancestors and the Ingledews that I know drifted apart a long time ago." "Is he a cobbler?" Bertram inquired, without a trace of mauvaise honte. The General nodded. "Well, yes," he said politely, "that's exactly what he is; though, as you seemed to be asking about presumed relations, I didn't like to mention it."

His earthen floors were carpeted with straw and frescoed with bones. Let us not swell with pride as we refer to our ancestors, whose lives were marked by an eternal combat between malignant alcoholism and trichinosis. Many a Saxon would have filled a drunkard's grave, but wabbled so in his gait that he walked past it and missed it.

The travellers of a remote future will find him, I think, still with his tom-tom and his dug-out canoe just as willing to sell as "big curios" the debris of our importations to his ancestors at a high price. Exactly how much he will ask for a Devos patent paraffin oil tin or a Morton's tin, I cannot imagine, but it will be something stiff such as he asks nowadays for the Phoenician "Aggry" beads.