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In his criticism of Metchnikoff's able book, The Nature of Man, Prof. Adler writes: And to account for the reason in man, this divine spark that has been set ablaze in him, it is not sufficient to point to an ape as our ancestor.

"Then he would call to him, or maybe go back and take roundin's on him, and say: 'Come along there, old tobacco box. Are you tied to something? Mr. Fox would laugh a good deal, too, and he told my ancestor to go on and finish the race that he couldn't wait around there all day.

Moreover, tribes in the stage of thought here described, hold themselves to be actually descended from material objects often the most diverse from human form. Such mythic ancestors are worshipped as divine. This superstition is called Totemism, and the mythic ancestor is known as the Totem.

When the individual was conscious of his own innocence, he concluded that some of his ancestors had grievously offended the god, who relentlessly pursued his posterity and inflicted on them the penalties due for the sins of this ancestor. Hence the doctrine of inherited or original Sin.

In China the patriarch of a nomad horde became emperor of a nation retaining ancestor worship as its chief religious system. He held, and still holds, the position of father of his people, the representative of the original ancestor, and high priest of the nation. In India the priestly establishment was differently organized. It was a democracy instead of an aristocracy.

We are brothers in arms, Brooke, aren't we?" "Brothers in arms," said Brooke, in a soft, gentle tone; "yes, Talbot, lad, that's exactly what we are. Yes, comrade, we have a fight before us, and only each other to rely on." "In our family," said Talbot, "there is a cimeter which is an heirloom. It was brought from the East during the Crusades by an ancestor.

Simple nervous prostration would seem to the uninitiated better fought in the exhilirating ozone of Colorado, or the North Pole than in this languorous atmosphere. 'An inherited tendency. Is this the pleasant little legacy which my respected ancestor has bequeathed to his only grandson? It skipped the Judge, but it caught poor Uncle Lenox, and now it has nabbed me!

It was Diana herself, though paler and thinner than her former self; and it was no tenant of the grave who stood beside her, but Vaughan, or rather Sir Frederick Vernon, in a dress made to imitate that of his ancestor, to whose picture his countenance possessed a family resemblance.

It will, of course, be admitted at once that the ancestors of our profession, historically, the earliest physicians, were the priest, the Shaman, and the conjurer, who even to this day in certain tribes bear the suggestive name of "medicine men." Indeed, this grotesque individual was neither priest nor physician, but the common ancestor of both, and of the scientist as well.

In his garden, as I played there, I learned the love of mills or had I an ancestor a miller? and a kindness for the neighbourhood of graves, as homely things not without their poetry or had I an ancestor a sexton? But what of the garden where he played himself? for that, too, was a scene of my education.