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In the heart of these mountains, shut off from the highways of travel by great walls of rock, lies the valley of the little river Ammer. Its waters are cold and clear, for they flow from mountain springs, and its willow-shaded eddies are full of trout.

Why, if you was to give that 'oss ten feeds of corn a day he'd take an' eat 'em all out clean wouldn't leave a hoat! And legs. Them's not legs! them's slips of gutta-percher an' steel! To be sure he'll fetch a hawful price at the 'ammer four 'underd, five 'underd, I shouldn't wonder why he's worth all the money to look at.

The day was closing in quiet and grandeur, yet all the time the shadow of death was darkening the peaceful valley of the Ammer. I became aware of it first as I passed the silent churchyard with its grey stones rising from the snow. For there, on the other side of the old stone wall that marks the road, was a monument on which the Reaper hacks the toll of death.

I can't take money for telling lies. 'What'll you do if you inna a minister, Ed'ard? 'Break stones anything. Hazel clapped her hands. 'Can I get a little 'ammer and break, too? 'Some day. It will only be poor fare and a poor cottage, Hazel. 'It'll be like heaven! 'We shall be together, little one. 'What for be your eyes wet, Ed'ard?

This tongue, Will Garvie assured his companion, was the hammer. "No, no, Willum," said Mrs Marrot, with a smile, "you mustn't expect me for to believe that. I may believe that the moon is made of green cheese, but I won't believe that that's a 'ammer." "No: but is it, Bill?" asked Bob, whose eyes gleamed with suppressed excitement. "Indeed it is; you shall see presently."

They are only like young horses, pulling too hard at first and sweating off their strength jibbing one moment and shying the next when it comes to "'ammer, 'ammer, 'ammer on the 'ard 'igh road," one finds who is going to stick it and who is not.

He hesitated, then turned his bicycle round, mounted, and rode back towards them, gripping his courage firmly lest it should slip away and leave him ridiculous. "I'll offer 'im a screw 'ammer," said Mr. Hoopdriver. Then, with a wave of fierce emotion, he saw that the girl was crying. In another moment they heard him and turned in surprise.

"Bewitched!" said I, starting. "Ah! theer you stand wi' your 'ammer in your 'and a-starin' an' a-starin' at nobody, nor nothin' leastways not as 'uman eye can see, an' a-sighin', an' a-sighin' " "Did I indeed sigh, Ancient?" "Ah that ye did like a cow, Peter, or a 'orse 'eavy an' tired like.

We're going after this mine 'ammer and tongs now!"

It was to consecrate this spot, that the mosque was founded by Mohammed himself with loose stones, which were changed into a regular building the year after, by Benou Ammer ibn Owf; but the present building is of modern construction. Further on is shown the spot There men live who like to be purified: and God loves the clean."