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"If only, mon ami" she disengaged one hand and laid it gently on his shoulder "you will give me your trust, and" her voice dropped "your love!" They gazed at each other.

Then all at once I looked up, for there were voices outside, and I knew it was Jarette the Frenchman saying something very earnestly to Walters. I did not hear what either of them said, for they spoke in a very low tone, and in French. But I caught just the last words which were uttered by Jarette, and they were these "Mais prenez-garde, mon ami. Prenez-garde."

His widow gave a dinner the next week, because she was afraid of being triste receives and appears on the Boulevards, because 'bon ami m'a dit qu'il fallait vivre. Her friends flatter themselves that her sensibility will not kill her, at the same time that it enables them to give agreeable parties.... My desire to see my child is stronger than my taste for Paris.

Colonel Gilbert looked at her, but said nothing. He seemed to admire her, in the same contemplative way that he had admired the moon rising behind the island of Capraja from the Place St. Nicholas in Bastia. De Vasselot noted the sigh, and glanced sharply at her over the shoulder of the big charger. "Of what are you thinking?" he said. "Of the millennium, mon ami" "The millennium?"

Septimus was sitting with Hégisippe Cruchot outside the little café of the iron tables painted yellow where first they had consorted. "Mon ami," said he, "you are one of the phenomena that make me believe in the bon Dieu.

One or two are conspicuous, though all are beautiful. Souvenirs d'un ami has pale flesh-coloured flowers, exceedingly delicate; nor is the perfume they emit less attractive. Niphetus, pure white; Adam, very pale; and Géant des Batailles, of the richest crimson, are among the most attractive; but there are numerous others, rivalling them in beauty and fragrance.

I sung out lustily, "Ami" and was told that if I was a friend the other side of the road was my place.

"Away! away!" barked the Yard Dog. "They told me I was a pretty little fellow: then I used to lie in a chair covered with velvet, up in master's house, and sit in the lap of the mistress of all. They used to kiss my nose, and wipe my paws with an embroidered handkerchief. I was called 'Ami dear Ami sweet Ami. But afterwards I grew too big for them, and they gave me away to the housekeeper.

"Perhaps the same as you, cher ami " and she rippled with laughter "Versailles is so tranquil a place!" I could have slapped her fortunately Miss Sharp was out of earshot . Jean Duquesnois now joined in he was back from the front for two days things were going better peace would certainly be declared before Christmas .

If it ever comes to 'duty' between you and me, I shall pack my kit and go, I promise you. It's the reality or nothing for me. But don't hurry your work on my account, mon ami," she added, on her way to the door. "I shall probably drive over to Honor's, and leave you in peace till dinner-time. In fact, you have my permission to dine at mess for a change, if it would amuse you."