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Here lay the "Capitan Americano" of whom the Tagal soldiers had been boasting for a month a deserter from the army of the United States, a commissioned officer in the ranks of Aguinaldo, shot to death in his first battle in sight of some who had seen and known him "in the blue."

"Ah," said Pereo, reflectively, warming under the potent fires of flattery and aguardiente, "possibly I HAVE seen him. He was like " "Like none of the dogs thou hast seen about San Antonio," interrupted the landlord. "Scarcely did he seem Americano, though he spoke no Spanish." The old man chuckled to himself viciously.

Verree bad act that Senor O'Connor make fight with General Tumbalo. Yes, general Tumbalo great soldier and big mans. "'What'll they do to Mr. O'Connor? I asks. "'I talk little while presently with the Juez de la Paz what you call Justice-with-the-peace, says Sancho. 'He tell me it verree bad crime that one Senor Americano try kill General Tumbalo.

"Who informa you Cristoforo Colombo was Americano? Better you don't believe these other guide ignoranta fella. Cristoforo was Genoa man, born here, you und'stan'? Italiano. Only live in America a lill' w'ile to discover, you und'stan'?" "Mr. Bebbini," said poppa, "if you go around contradicting Americans on the subject of Christopher Columbus your business will decrease.

Sorrowfully Lewis and the sergeant shook their heads, and the sultan, puzzled at first, began to realize that he was dealing with a new kind of "Americano." The two men's heads bent lower and lower as they sorrowed over the misdemeanor of their little boat. Weighed down with grief, Lewis signaled Piang to prepare for his reply to the noble visitor.

On the morning of his visit to the Burnside he wore a white "Americano" suit and white shoes, as, indeed, did most of his followers, one of the men topping off this very conventional attire with a magnificent red, green, and purple turban which he did not once remove while aboard ship.

"The Americano is at the Valdés house," he admitted sulkily. "At the Valdés house? Why, in Heaven's name, did you take him there?" "How could we tell that the Señorita would come to town? The house was empty. Pablo worked there in the stables as a boy. So we moved in." A quarter of an hour later Pablo opened the outer basement door in answer to the signal agreed upon by them.

The bandit captain muttered but came back into the yard. "Well, señor?" he demanded impudently. "What have you to say to me?" "Who is that girl?" asked Kendric. "And what are you doing with her?" Escobar laughed his open insolence. "So you are interested? Pretty, like a flower, no? Well, she is not for you, Señor Americano, though she is of your own country.

'It is a pity, he observed casually, 'zat you are not acquaint wif ze Signor Americano who lives in Villa Rosa. He also finds Valedolmo undiverting. He comes but often to talk wif me. He has fear of forgetting how to spik Angleesh, he says. The young man opened his eyes. 'What are you talking about a Signor Americano here in Valedolmo?

Thus a Frenchman, viewing the undraped statues which bedizen his native galleries of art, either enjoys them in a purely aesthetic fashion which is seldom possible save when he is in liquor or confesses frankly that he doesn't like them at all; whereas the visiting Americano is so powerfully shocked and fascinated by them that one finds him, the same evening, in places where no respectable man ought to go.