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The statesman seeks their stimulating influence; the literary man, after the day's labour, desires the repose of their elegant conversation; the professional man and the merchant hurry up from down town to shuffle off the coil of heavy duty, and forget the drudgery of life in the agreeable picture of its amenities and graces presented by Mrs. Potiphar's ball.

With these amenities their manners grew more and more refined. I have read somewhere, in one of those dull collections of sweeping generalisations that are called sociology, that each species of the genus homo has to go through a normal sequence of stages from barbarism to civilisation, and that we were once what the South Sea Islanders are now.

On the instant he recognized its owner. "Good morning, Peyrot. We've recovered the packet." Not waiting for further amenities, I seized my lord and dashed him into the front room, only a faint hope to lead me, but the oaths of the bravos a good spur. And, St. Quentin be thanked, there in the garret window were Jacques and his tapsters, pushing a ladder to us. "Go, monsieur!

Meyer introduced them as the captain and first officer of the Titan, and seated themselves. A few moments later brought a shrewd-looking person whom Mr. Meyer addressed as the attorney for the steamship company, but did not introduce; for such are the amenities of the English system of caste. "Now then, gentlemen," said Mr.

She was drifting back to life on a current of mountain air companioned by splendid clouds, and her content was like to the lotus-eater's languor it held no thought of time or tide. That she idealized him was true, but he grew richly in grace. All the small amenities of conduct which he once possessed came back to him. He studied to please her, and succeeded in that as in his other ventures.

She enjoyed the advantages of central heating, gas, and electricity; and among the landlord's fixtures were a refrigerator, a kitchen range, a bookcase, and a sideboard. Such amenities for the people for the petits gens simply do not exist in Europe; they do not even exist for the wealthy in Europe.

As one of them said, "The sight of his long nose was worth ten thousand men on a field of battle." They were themselves a leathery breed, and cared little for the gentler amenities so long as the French were well drubbed. His mind, which was comprehensive and alert in warfare, was singularly limited in civil affairs.

Is the act which banishes happiness and contentment introduces poverty, misery, destitution which scatters out of the heart all the little amenities and sweet endearments of life which wastes away the strength of the spirit, and paralyzes that of the hand which dims the eye and gives paleness to the cheek, and by combining all these together makes home yes, home, the trysting place of all the affections, a thing to be thought of only with dread an asylum for the miseries of life; is the act, we say, which inflicts upon a human being, or a human family, this scathing and multitudinous curse no crime?

This model of the amenities, whose gay and faulty youth ripened into a pious and charitable age, was at the head of that tribunal which pronounced judgment upon all matters relating to society.

There's only one profession that can compete with them for feline amenities, and that is the actress profession." "Cleary," said Sam, "I let you talk this way for old acquaintance's sake, but I wouldn't take it from any one else." "Fiddlesticks! You know I'm right.