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A rain of bombs fell in the town one of the first wrecked the Red Cross ambulance and many struck the Cathedral. Then came the night when the straw bedding blazed, and fire poured through the long naves, rising to the roof.

I saw him move his left hand to find Jimmy's right. We had got out of the range of the guns and the surgeons had done their business with bandages and splints. They had taken Reggie first, then Jimmy. And so, lying beside Reggie, on his own stretcher and in his own ambulance, he was brought back to Ghent. The military hospitals were full, so we took them to the Convent de Saint Pierre.

A clean little puncture in the breast of his coat told the whole story. Patsy felt herself slipping.... All grew dark. It was Ajo who found her and carried her back to the ambulance, where Dr. Kelsey and Nanette were presently able to restore her to consciousness. Then they returned to the Arabella, grave and silent, and Patsy was put to bed.

Something had hit me on the head. I have never found out what it was. I dreamed I was being tossed about in an open boat on a heaving sea and opened my eyes. The moon was shining. I was on a stretcher being carried down one of our communication trenches. At the advanced first-aid post my wounds were dressed, and then I was put into an ambulance and sent to one of the base hospitals.

It was now that Uncle John began to busy himself with his especial prize, a huge motor ambulance he had purchased in New York and which had been fully equipped for the requirements of war. Indeed, an enterprising manufacturer had prepared it with the expectation that some of the belligerent governments would purchase it, and Mr. Merrick considered himself fortunate in securing it.

Send a man from the farm, at once, to the cottage hospital at Whitebeck. They've got an ambulance I commission it. It's a hospital case. They shall see to it. Be quick! March! do you hear? I intended to quit of them bag and baggage!" Dixon did not move. "Doctor said if we were to move un now, it 'ud be manslaughter," he said stolidly, "an' he'd have us 'op."

Perhaps it will be nothing, my man. Come with me, we will take you to the Red Cross ambulance close by." Then between his groans the wounded man said a thing I shall not easily forget: "Mon Capitaine, ... haven't they taken away their guns yet?" He still took an interest in the battle.

He gave, and He has taken away oh let us try to say, Blessed be His name!" She paused for a few minutes and then continued "Yes, Petko, I must go. There is plenty of work in these days for a Christian woman to do. Surely I should go mad if I were to remain idle. You have work here, I have none, therefore I must go. Nurses are wanted in the ambulance corps of our our deliverers."

He was a fine old German, of remarkably kind and benevolent appearance, and looked more like a venerable Catholic priest than a military man. After he had paid off the regiment, his escort loaded his money chest and his personal stuff into an ambulance, and he was soon ready to go to some other regiment.

Luckily the men in our ambulance just now are either convalescent, or, at any rate, able to sit up in bed and bear excitement. So the beds of the few who cannot be dressed are pushed close to the stage, and around their cots are the chairs and benches of their convalescent comrades. The rest of the beds are taken out. The big military band is packed into one corner of the room.