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He had in his look an expectation that she would be glad to behold him, and he asked her, and she said: 'Oh, yes, she was glad, of course. She was glad that Alvan had pardoned him for his rashness; she was vexed that her projected confusion of the household had been thwarted: vexed, petrified with astonishment. 'But how if I tell you that Alvan is wounded? he almost wept to say.

Briefly, in cold words befitting the act, she stated that the past must be dead between them; for the future she belonged to her parents; she had left the city. She knew not where he might be, her letter concluded, but henceforward he should know that they were strangers. Alvan held out the deadly paper when he had read the contents; he smote a forefinger on it and crumpled it in his hand.

She tried to decipher the mask he wore: it was proof against her imploring eyes. 'If you can ask me if you can positively wish it yes, she said. 'But think of what you are doing. Oh! Alvan, not back to them! Think! He smiled insufferably. He was bent on winning a parent-blest bride, an unimpeachable wife, a lady handed to him instead of taken, one of the world's polished silver vessels.

'Who is the man they call Alvan? She put the question at the first opportunity to an aunt of hers. Up went five-fingered hands. This violent natural sign of horror was comforting: she saw that he was a celebrity indeed. 'Alvan! My dear Clotilde! What on earth can you want to know about a creature who is the worst of demagogues, a disreputable person, and a Jew!

The former had once led, and hoped to lead again. Alvan was a revolutionist in imagination, the workman's friend in rational sympathy, their leader upon mathematical calculation, but a lawyer, a reasoner in law, and therefore of necessity a cousin germane, leaning to become an ally, of the Philistines the founders and main supporters of his book of the Law.

As for that letter of hers it burnt him this time to speak of the letter: 'she may write and write! She's weak, thin, a reed; she let her be! Say of her when she plays beast she is absent from Alvan! I can forgive. The letter's nothing; it means nothing except "Thou fool, Alvan, to let me go." Yes, that!

Before visiting his Mentor, Alvan applied for an audience of General von Rudiger, who granted it at once to a man coming so well armed to claim the privilege. Tresten walked part of the way to the General's house with him, and then turned aside to visit the baroness.

So, then, come to me, come with me, let me cherish you. I will take you and rescue you from your people, and should it be your positive wish to meet Alvan again, I myself will take you to him, and then you may choose between us. The generosity was evident.

Alvan was dead. The shot of his adversary, accidentally well-directed, had struck him mortally. He died on the morning of the third day after the duel. There had been no hope that he could survive, and his agonies made a speedy dissolution desirable by those most wishing him to live. The baroness had her summons to hurry to him after his first swoon.

In answering him I called his attention to the ability of Alvan Clark & Sons to make at least the object glass, the most delicate and difficult part of the instrument. The result was that, after fruitless negotiations with European artists, Struve himself came to America in the summer of 1879 to see what the American firm could do.