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Seaforth glanced at his comrade reflectively as he said, "I was wondering if there was anybody else." Alton's face grew suddenly impassive. "Oh, yes," he said. "There's another man I don't know, the one who lighted the fire. He's back there somewhere."

Seaforth could also picture his comrade stooping over him with averted eyes, but swift, resolute movements, for when there was work to be done Alton of Somasco was not the man to turn aside. "It must have been a trifle horrible," he said. Alton's eyes closed a little. "It wasn't nice. Still, there was Mrs. Jimmy working down at the store, and that secret belonged to her."

There was no bronze in his comrade's face, but in place of it a curious yellow tinge, through which the greyness showed in patches, and with fingers that were strangely clumsy he held a flask to Alton's lips. The latter choked, and then his eyes opened wide again. "Pass it round. I'm figuring you're all wanting some," he said.

It had been comparatively simple to hoodwink his co-trustee, but it would be very different with an accountant of reputation, and he had also grown afraid of Alton's instinctive grasp of whatever subject he turned his attention to. There was, of course, much the rancher did not know, but that left him with attention the more concentrated upon issues of importance.

"Do you mean to say the young man who runs the yacht is coming to see you?" She had seized Neal's shoulders as if to confront him with some horrible crime. "Careful," he said with a laugh. "You'll steer us against the dock. Yes, Richard Gordon who runs the Alton's yacht, Royal, is my friend," he answered, beginning to sense the true meaning of the affair.

"Oh, that's the dodge, is it, to catch intellectual fine ladies? to fall into an ecstatic attitude before a picture But then we must have Alton's genius, you know, to find out which the fine pictures are. I must read up that subject, by-the-by. It might be a paying one among the dons. For the present, here goes in for an attitude. Will this do, Alton?"

It was too late when they found it out, Harry." Alton's face was grim. "It would," he said, "be a pity if you and I fell out, Charley." Seaforth laughed in a curious fashion. "It would, but I scarcely think we shall. You and I are partners, and a little more, and I will keep silent now I have spoken."

"I fancied we would have had it first, but the news agency fellows have beaten us, Harry; it's more than probable they're going to rush the railroad through." Alton's eyes glittered. "Great news, but it will keep," he said. "No, don't worry over any more of it. Look at the notices." Forel folded back the sheet.

Now I don't think we need worry any more until we get to Carnaby." Deringham made a gesture of concurrence, but the grim irony of Alton's speech occurred to him as he went out to grapple with his torturing anxiety.

Seaforth had once or twice admired the girl's serenity in somewhat difficult surroundings, but there was now a suggestion of fear in her eyes, and she seemed to avoid Alton's gaze. It, however, passed in a moment, and she turned towards the rancher tranquilly. "I wonder how far I am to blame," she said. "A man came here a day or two ago, and apparently endeavoured to tell me something.