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"It is a curious collection." "Very curious, and the story that hangs round it will strike you as being more curious still." "These relics have a history then?" "So much so that they are history." "What do you mean by that?" Sherlock Holmes picked them up one by one, and laid them along the edge of the table.

He helped Jonas with their meager preparations for the trip, then took a gun and started along the trail which led up the Ferry canyon to the desert. But he had not gone a hundred yards, when Diana called. "Wait a moment, Judge! I'll go with you." She joined him shortly with her gun and game bag. "We'll have Na-che cook us a day's supply of meat before we start," she said.

A description of the equipment of a mule-train and the method of packing, together with some of the curious facts connected with its movements, may not be uninteresting, particularly as the whole thing, with rare exceptions in the regular army at remote frontier posts, has been relegated to the past, along with the caravan of the prairie and the overland coach.

Gazing for the last time upon the clay-cold features of her departed husband, this young widow beautiful even in her grief; so ethereal to look upon, and yet so firm! looking for the last time upon the dear familiar face, now cold and still in death oh, looking for the last, last time she rapidly put on her bonnet, and thus addressed the sobbing gentlemen who were to act as pall-bearers: "You pall-bearers, just go into the buttery and get some rum, and we'll start this man right along!"

But the weapon of the intrepid young man being now caught, and his body fiercely grappled by four or five of his exasperated foes, he was soon disarmed, and, in spite of his desperate struggles, borne into the court-house with the crowd, who now rushed furiously along the passages, wounding with their swords, and beating down with their guns and clubs, without distinction or mercy, all whom they met in their way.

Along the Menin road there were wayside dressing stations for wounded, with surgeons at work, and I saw the same scenes there. They were not beyond the danger zone. Doctors and orderlies were killed by long-range shells. Wounded were wounded again or finished off. Some ambulances were blown to bits. A colonel who had been standing in talk with a doctor was killed halfway through a sentence.

Murray said nothing, but his countenance was very sad. The midshipmen were aroused by the cry of "All hands shorten sail!" The boatswain's whistle had not ceased sounding along the decks before Jack and Murray were on their way aloft, the first to the fore, the other to the maintop, where they were stationed.

She glories to turn round on your pathological and biological high science; and, while you're measuring a man for his coffin, to help him give death the slip." Charles Verity slightly shifted his position and that with singular carefulness against the pillows in the deep red-covered chair. His hands, inert and bluish about the finger-tips, lay along the padded arms of it.

I had rambled insensibly, to a considerable distance from the town the heat augmented I was walking in the shade along a valley, by the side of a brook, I heard behind me the steps of horses, and the voice of some females who, though they seemed embarrassed, did not laugh the less heartily on that account.

But I stood irresolute; when looking at a clock in the corner, he exclaimed "I vum it's Sunday you won't see that harpooneer to-night; he's come to anchor somewhere come along then; do come; won't ye come?"