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The dear child was so disappointed that she couldn't come home for Christmas." "If I'd known in time that she wasn't coming, I'd have found a way of getting down just for dinner with you. I hope you weren't alone, Virginia." "Oh, no, Miss Priscilla came to spend the day with me. You know she used to take dinner with us every Christmas at the rectory." A troubled look clouded his face.

Mr. Temple was in turn equally pleased with a companion alike refined, amiable, and enlightened; and their acquaintance would have ripened into intimacy, had not the illness of Henrietta and her repugnance to see a third person, and the unwillingness of her father that she should be alone, offered in some degree a bar to its cultivation.

Herr Carovius ran to the physician, and then spent the whole night by the bedside of the patient, despite his entreaties to be left alone. “Would it not be well for me to write to your mother?” he asked, with much show of affection on the next morning when he noticed that the fever had not fallen.

I was fortunate enough to commence mining at a point on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains where I was almost alone. I 'struck it rich, and two days since arrived in San Francisco with over two thousand dollars in gold-dust." "You were certainly in luck," said Ferguson, surprised. "I turned it into money, and, in strolling about the city, was lured into that accursed den.

The thought, once lodged, could not be banished that the youth, in his wounded pride, might have silently chosen to brave every danger in order to prove that he was a "gentleman," and that he would "leave them alone," even at the cost of his life.

The men clum into the riggin' before she struck, but the old cap'n was staggerin' 'round decks, kind o' dazed and dumb-like, not tryin' to do anythin' to save himself. The mate tried to git him into the riggin', seein' he wan't in no condition to look out for himself; but the old man struck loose from his holt and cried out to him through the noise: "'Let me alone! I've got to go with her.

"Come, tell me all you've done to-day, it will amuse me. You ought to try to please me while you are here! I'm dull enough when you leave me alone all day long." "You want me to amuse you by telling you about business?" "Formerly, you told me everything "

Let these high matters alone. Leave them to those who have both the time and the talent for them, they will say. So I have often said to myself, but the truth of GOD did burn in my bones till I took pen and ink and began to set down what I had seen. All this time do not mistake me for a saint or an angel. My heart also is full of all evil.

"I am a Republican!... I am a Republican!" he repeated energetically, as though having said that, there was nothing more to add. Ferragut, not knowing how to answer this simple and solid enthusiasm, gave way to his temper. "Get out, you brute!... I don't want to see you again, ungrateful wretch! I shall do the thing alone; I don't need you.

It was a profitless business sitting there alone in the mill, listening to the fall the whole night through. Isak had done no wrong; he had no cause to hide himself away. He left the mill, went up over the fields, and home into the house. And then in truth it was a shamefaced Isak, shamefaced and glad. Brede Olsen sat there, his neighbour and no other; sat there drinking coffee.