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Smith there should be nothing of that kind. He thinks classical allusions corrupting. Of course he's wrong good people always are but perhaps we ought to humour him, as he is the curate, you know." Esmé assented with a graceful bend of his crimpled head, and in a clear and deliberate voice began to speak.

From several little allusions that have passed between us to-day, I am encouraged to believe that we think alike on certain temporal matters, however wide the chasm between us on spiritual things." "I confess I have fallen into the same conclusion; and I should be sorry to be undeceived if wrong." "What occasion, then, for farther ambiguity?

He kept secret assignations, which were not openly supposed to be secret by either Mrs. Shiffney or himself. For Mrs. Shiffney was leading him gently, savoring nuances, while he was feeling blatant, though saved by his breeding from showing it. They had some charming, some almost exciting talks, full of innuendo, of veiled allusions to personal feeling and the human depths.

And of such, how many entirely understand the inner Philosophy of Clothes, and follow all the allusions, quips, and nicknames of Sartorian subjectivity. It would be a fine subject for some Self-Improvement Circle of readers to write examination papers upon questions as to the exact meaning of all the inward musings of Teufelsdröckh.

And, like a traditional votary of music, he wore a great black cloak swinging around him with an operatic air, giving the impression that he was just going to or coming from the theater. Highly agitated, gilded with flattery, readily acquainted, he bubbled over promptly in confidences and intimate allusions.

The prayers of this benediction, most of which are sung in the tone of the preface at ferial mass, contain beautiful allusions to the mention of water in the Old and New Testaments, as for instance: "O God, whose Spirit at the very beginning of the world was borne upon the waters, that the nature of water might even then conceive the power of sanctification; O God, who washing with waters the crimes of a guilty world, didst sign the figure of regeneration in the very out-pouring of the deluge; may this font receive of the Holy Ghost the grace of thy only begotten Son" .

The quick emphatic sentences he substituted for the cumbrous periods of the day, his rapid argument, his vivacious and caustic allusions, his passionate appeals, his fearless invective, struck a new note in English eloquence. The frivolous ostentation of Buckingham, his very figure blazing with jewels and gold, gave point to the fierce attack.

She looked out upon them all with frank eyes, in which it was evident there was no sort of mist, either of timidity or ignorance, understanding everything that was said, even allusions which puzzled Lucy; always intelligent and observant, though often with a shade of that benevolent contempt which the young with difficulty prevent themselves from feeling towards their elders.

An article, which I wrote on Servia for an English publication, was reproduced in a translation minus all the allusions to these two powers; and I think that, considering the dependent position of Servia, abstinence from such discussions is dictated by the soundest policy.

This jest will be perfectly intelligible to all who remember the eternally recurring allusions to Venus and Minerva, Mars, Cupid and Apollo, which were meant to be the ornaments, and are the blemishers, of Prior's compositions. But Portland was much puzzled.