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We may perhaps be excused, however, if we have not yet made any very explicit allusion to the "Conflict between Religion and Science," because this work seems to be in the main a repetition en petit of the "Intellectual Development of Europe," and what we have said will apply as well to one as to the other.

It is, moreover, in the middle of this century that the first allusion to Robin Hood occurs in any work of undoubted authority.

Now, if you will allow me to say as much, I think, I cannot but think, you were right perfectly right in not disclaiming such an allusion, having once made it; but I trust, indeed I feel confident, that a man of your acknowledged sense, and general character as a man of the world, will not object to give me a line a mere line will suffice addressed to myself; I wouldn't ask you in such a matter to write to Mr.

To a man of his old-fashioned chivalric ideal the brutal allusion to the girl was like a deliberate blow in the face. "So I was so I was. Well, he's to have it all, I say every mite, and welcome. I've had a pretty tough life in my time you can tell it from my hands, suh but I ain't begrudging it if it leaves the boy a bit better off.

Sir Francis looked perfectly savage; the allusion did not please him. But, ere another word could be spoken, some one in the garb of a policeman, who had wound his way through the crowd, laid his hand upon the baronet. "Sir Francis Levison, you are my prisoner." Nothing worse than debt occurred at that moment to the mind of Sir Francis. But that was quite enough, and he turned purple with rage.

Goodnight, Frederic. He then told her what arrangements he had made for the morrow, and what hour she would be called, and when she would have her breakfast. After that he let her go without making any further allusion to Will Belton. It must be admitted that the meeting between the lovers had not been auspicious; and it must be acknowledged, also, that Will Belton had behaved very badly.

It has happened to me to forget the child's birthday, but to her never; and often in the midst of common talk comes something that shows she is thinking of the child still, some simple allusion that is to me inexpressibly affecting. I shall not try to describe her grief, for such things are sacred and secret; and a man has no business to place them on paper for all the world to read.

I'll pay you well for the job, if you succeed in pulling off the stunt." "You think you're the whole works because you've got a crowd of dudes around you. You're not the only dent in the can." Ted flushed at this allusion to his pards. "I'll put a dent in you if you open your face to remark about my friends again," he said, with some heat.

"You'd be careful not to like her enough. If Miss Archer won't visit your place again it's because she doesn't want to take me. I know what she thinks of me, and I suppose you think the same that I oughtn't to bring in individuals." Lord Warburton was at a loss; he had not been made acquainted with Miss Stackpole's professional character and failed to catch her allusion.

'Call to us that man who is habited like a groom, said the Countess, indicating Mr. George. 'I presume he is in his right place up here? 'Whew take care, Countess our best man. He's good for a dozen, said Hamilton. Mr. George was brought over and introduced to the Countess de Saldar. 'So the oldest Tory in the county is a fox? she said, in allusion to the hunt.