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When you come to think about it, man is really the only animal that ever makes a fool of himself; the others are highly civilised, and never make mistakes. I am going to mention this when I write to somebody, sometime; I mean if I ever do. To be sure, our human life is much more complicated than theirs, and I believe when the other animals notice our errors of judgment they make allowances.

I tried hard this morning God knows what constraint I had to put upon myself to induce you to tell me of your own accord to volunteer it but you would not you were resolutely silent. Why were you? Why were you?" "I should not have been hard upon you I should have made allowances. God knows we all need it!" I sit listening in a stony silence: every bit of me seems turned into cold rock.

Esther was staggered by this view of the subject, and had to fall back on her common-places: "But you make me say every Sunday that I believe in things I don't believe at all." "But I suppose you believe at last in something, do you not?" asked Hazard. "Somewhere there must be common ground for us to stand on; and our church makes very large I think too large, allowances for difference.

"There shall be no talk of `allowances' this time," said Debby; and cellar and garret, pantry, cupboard, and closet, were all put through such a process of purifying and arranging, that not the neatest house-keeper in Gourlay could have the least chance or excuse for hinting that any "allowances" were needed.

Miss Dane is my ward, remember. You are her jilted lover, I remember. Therefore, I can make allowances. But no insinuations. If Miss Dane and Mr. Ingelow left together, you know as well as I do there was no impropriety in their doing so." "Did I say there was, Mr. Walraven? I mean to insinuate nothing. I barely state facts, told me by your servants."

"He is very much in need of your making allowances!" laughed Balbilla, while the praetor went up to, his wife and told her in a whisper what he had learnt from Mastor. Lucilla clasped her hands in astonishment, and Verus cried to the poetess: "Now you see what a satisfaction your cruel tongue has deprived you of?" "How can you be so revengeful most estimable Verus," said the lady coaxingly.

He had claimed this privilege, and his mother had granted it, knowing that many allowances would be made for whatever Andy might say, and feeling that, on this account, he would do better than either of his brothers. Richard, of course, could not go.

After all no marriage on earth is perfect, and husbands as well as wives have to make allowances; but as years go on, and affection does its daily work, the rubs are less and less felt, till the time comes when deeper wisdom can look back smiling on the fears of youth. Isabel at nineteen did not possess this wisdom but she had youth itself.

He won't think of coming near the house unless you're in it, and then what will become of us all? 'You'll take care you don't get mixed up in it, I can see, said Tinling, savagely. 'I shall take very good care indeed. Oh, but you must make allowances for me, my boy. Remember, I've not been in military training for days and days, as you have.

It will be seen that these are very liberal allowances.