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"Muss aus dem Thal jetzt scheiden, wo alles Lust und Klang;" but at least the memory of it would remain with him a gracious possession. The long afternoon wore on; Crewe, Stafford, Lichfield, Tamworth went by, as things in a dream, for his thoughts were far away.

When it became "religious" in the narrow sense, it grew scholastic and spiny, quarrelsome, and impotent to awaken high enthusiasm and noble life. Deutschland ueber Alles As a result of Luther's treason to humanity, his church became the state church of Prussia, and Bible-worship and Devil-terror played their part, along with the Mass and the Confessional, in building up the Junker dream.

He played "Rule Britannia" and "God Save the King," the "Marseillaise" and the Russian National hymn, all at the same time. He would have included "Deutschland uber Alles," if Joan hadn't made a supreme effort and stopped him. Evidently a sporting little devil. He took himself off into a corner after a time, where he played quietly to himself; and Joan was able to join in the conversation.

They sang their favorite marching songs Die Wacht am Rhein, of course; and Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles! which has a fine, sonorous cathedral swing to it; and God Save the King! with different words to the air, be it said; and Haltet Aus! Also, for variety, they sang Tannenbaum with the same tune as Maryland, My Maryland! and Heil dir im Sieges-kranz; and snatches from various operas.

Nevertheless, composition the presiding, all-controlling intellect is just what makes itself felt by absence; and Correggio's special qualities of light and color have now so far vanished from the cupola of the Duomo that the constructive poverty is not disguised. Here, if anywhere in painting, we may apply Goethe's words Gefühl ist Alles.

"It was before the war. Many strange things have happened in the world before the Boche broke loose with his dream of 'Deutschland über Alles. I had been to Melville Island trying to match a pearl for the Devonshire necklace, and I went from the pearl fisheries to New Zealand, led there by rumours of the discovery of some wonderful black pearls. It was, however, a wild-goose chase.

Your father himself said to me the fearful words: 'Nothing shall shake me. Fear everything from him, he will compel you by force if he cannot by trickery. Fürchten Sie Alles!" Wieck consented to permit them to meet publicly and with a third person, but not alone, and to correspond only when Clara was travelling. His reasons were his ambition for her, her youth.

I've heard it, I know somewhere; but no, I can't remember. I try I try to follow the air but no use. And then, presently, one of the notes whispers into my puckering lips a single word "Mariechen." Then other notes whisper others "du süsses Viehchen"; and then others still others "du bist mein alles, bist mein Traum."

Wenn irgendwo, so gilt auch hier des Apostels Wort: Alles ist Euer. "Aber nicht bloss die Erzeugung der Predigt geschehe im heiligen Geist, sondern auch ihr Vortrag.

On his way to the office one afternoon Larry found himself held up by a long procession of young German reservists singing with the utmost vigour and with an unmistakable note of triumph the German national air, "Die Wacht Am Rhein," and that newer song which embodied German faith and German ambition, "Deutschland Uber Alles."