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"The Evening Sun remarks sarcastically that obviously no such guarantees as Deutschland über Alles should be given to any country.

Little bells were hung all round it; and when the pot was boiling, these bells tinkled in the most charming manner, and played the old melody, "Ach! du lieber Augustin, Alles ist weg, weg, weg!"* * "Ah! dear Augustine! All is gone, gone, gone!"

As Wolfert waxed old and rich and corpulent, he also set up a great gingerbread-colored carriage drawn by a pair of black Flanders mares with tails that swept the ground; and to commemorate the origin of his greatness he had for a crest a fullblown cabbage painted on the pannels, with the pithy motto Alles Kopf that is to say, ALL HEAD; meaning thereby that he had risen by sheer head-work.

That the tatterdemalion then closeted with the Unser Fritz's captain could obtain a certified check for a million sterling, and twenty-five times as many millions of francs, and even then remain a man of means, was unbelievable; but if he regained power, that was different. Ende gut, alles gut. There might be pickings in it. Soon after sunset Iris reappeared.

It was for the good of Germany to make her a greater nation that these men should work the longer hours the better to help to reclaim the bad land, to cultivate the fields, to raise more crops to feed more soldiers to take more prisoners to cultivate more land to raise more crops. It was perfectly clear to the Teutonic mind. No link in the chain must be broken. Deutschland über Alles!

Every berth in the Blankshire had been secured, and the night before she sailed the well-known German Club gave its parting dinner; a wild affair, with unlimited quantities of champagne, loud patriotic speeches, songs and shouts of "Deutschland über Alles," and finally a smashing of glass, a breaking of furniture, and the customary wrecking of the premises.

The world would be utterly bad, in the opinion of the average Englishman, unless he could say "Britannia rules the waves"; in the opinion of the average German, unless he could say "Deutschland über alles." For the sake of these beliefs, they are willing to destroy European civilization. If the beliefs should happen to be false, their action is regrettable.

"'Germany's motto is: Deutschland über alles and you have not opposed it; but you have published in the Vorwärts an appreciation of the Kaiser alleging that he had worked during twenty-five years for peace. "'You speak of German civilization being in danger.

Such was triumphant Germany, the triumphant Vaterland, in 1913 foretasting a portentous future; pregnant with colossal success; swollen with a hundred years of victories and growth; as sure of its prowess and might as were the swaggering gods of its Valhallas. Imperial Deutschland über Alles!

"But, my dear sir, what on earth " "Merely," said I, with conviction, "that this isn't an Allies' night. It is Deutschland uber Alles; the stars are fighting for the Teuton race. Now, let's hear how you were christened," I added, turning to the house detective, who looked even less sunny than before if that could be. "See here, whatcher giving us?" snarled that somewhat unpolished worthy.