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It could not be barbered and dapperly dressed and taught to conduct a clouded cane elegantly in the rue de la Paix or the allée des Acacias.

"All litee," said he once more. "I makee pull now. You come this place." I endeavored to emulate his Oriental calm. "John," said I, "I catchee plenty wind this time." "Yes, plenty wind," said he. "You suppose we leave China boy?" I demanded. "Oh, no, no!" he exclaimed with emphasis. "I know you come back allee time bimeby, one time." "What were you doing, John?"

As soon as they had reached the Allee des Tilleuls, she awoke in the shade of the trees, and she said in a kindly voice: "Go more slowly, my poor boy; you will kill yourself in this heat." Along this path, completely covered by arched linden trees, the Mavettek flowed in its winding bed bordered by willows.

The child clapped her hands, and caught at his blouse. Then he said shortly, "Me John Ah Fe allee same. Me know you. How do?" Mrs. Tretherick dropped the clothes nervously, and looked hard at Ah Fe. Wanting the quick-witted instinct of affection that sharpened Carry's perception, she even then could not distinguish him above his fellows.

"'Cause it says so. Parker, the eighteenth, Allee. Just think, that's only next Saturday! Just a week from today! Isn't it lucky it's on Saturday? Do you s'pose we can go?" "I 'xpect it will take money for that just like it does for everything else," answered the blue-eyed baby with a comically philosophical air; "and you know Gail never has any for such things as that."

They entered the room in search of the cooking dishes it was so often their privilege to scrape, but the warm kitchen was in spick and span order, with nothing of the kind in sight; and Allee suggested hopefully, "Maybe they are in the pantry." "And maybe Faith is, too," whispered Peace, cautiously opening the door and peeping within. "No, she ain't, but she has made four big cakes. My!

We'll have that as just a secret among our two selves until we see how much money we can earn. See?" "Yes." "Don't you tell a soul!" "Of course I won't!" "Hector, wait a minute! We want to see you. Say, will you be in a nentertainment me and Allee are getting up in our barn?"

Then Allee got the scarlet fever, so I had to stay for a time. Just as she was getting well so they 'xpected to fumergate 'most any day, Cherry went to work and caught it, and now Hope is in bed. There are two more yet to have it, 'nless you count me, and I ain't going to get it.

As for the three little friends, Ping Pong, Sing Song, and Ah See, they trembled like leaves in the wind, then threw themselves flat on their bellies in the dusty road. "Who are those fellows?" asked Marmaduke, beginning to be frightened. "It's Choo Choo Choo and his gang, allee velly bad men," explained Ping Pong, though he found it very hard to say anything, his teeth chattered so.

The details of the room were indiscernible, lost in yellowish shadow, but the eye of the raven and the eye of Sin Sin Wa glittered like strange jewels. "H'm," said Kerry. "Sorry to interrupt your devotions. Light us." "Allee velly proper," crooned Sin Sin Wa. He took up the Joss tenderly and bore it across the room.