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Still, I'll have to admit that I let our family physician look me over, and that he suggested my seeing a nerve man Allbright. He has rather a name, I believe?" "Sure thing. What did he recommend?" "A long sea voyage. I took it having nothing else to do and slept a bit better while I was away. The minute I got back it was the old story." "Nothing on your mind, I suppose?" suggested Burns.

Carroll's coat and vest had been removed, and were hanging over a chair. Allbright at once got the dollar watch from its pocket and carried it over to the sick man. "Here is your watch, Mr. Carroll," he said, and his voice was full of both respectful and tender inflections. A sob was distinctly heard from Allbright's sister out in the sitting-room.

Then he replied to Carroll's remark concerning the weather, that it was indeed cold, and he thought there would be a frost. "Yes, I think so," said Carroll. Then Allbright put on his own rather shabby, dark overcoat and his hat and took his leave. Much to his surprise, Carroll extended his hand, something which he had never done before. "Good-bye," he said.

'The bar'l left in the dark betwixt lightnings, towards dawn. Well, not a body eat a bite at breakfast that morning. After that the men loafed around, in twos and threes, and talked low together. But none of them herded with Dick Allbright. They all give him the cold shake. If he come around where any of the men was, they split up and sidled away. They wouldn't man the sweeps with him.

We enjoyed ourselves immensely. Come. I thirst. Clouding over. No black clouds anywhere, are there? Thunderstorm. Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the intellect, Lucifer, dico, qui nescit occasum. No. My cockle hat and staff and hismy sandal shoon. Where? To evening lands. Evening will find itself.

"I was beginning to get a little discouraged. I had saved a little, but I did not like to spend it all, and I have my sister to take care of." "I am very glad," Carroll said, still again. Allbright then looked at him with a little attention, pushing, as it were, his own self, intensified by joy, aside. "You are not looking very well, Mr.

"And then you expect to resume business?" questioned Allbright, with a mild persistence. He still kept those keen, childlike eyes of his upon the other man's face. "What else would you understand from what I have already said?" said Carroll.

"You are in my house, Mr. Carroll," said Allbright, with a tender, caressing motion of his hand towards him, like a woman. "You had a fall on the ice, Mr. Carroll," said the physician, in a tone of soothing explanation, "but you will soon be as good as new."

Five years ago I was on a raft as big as this, and right along here it was a bright moonshiny night, and I was on watch and boss of the stabboard oar forrard, and one of my pards was a man named Dick Allbright, and he come along to where I was sitting, forrard gaping and stretching, he was and stooped down on the edge of the raft and washed his face in the river, and come and set down by me and got out his pipe, and had just got it filled, when he looks up and says

"You know, you weren't very polite to me," she remarked, glancing at him slantwise as he stood before her. If she expected apologies, she was disappointed, and perhaps thought none the less of him for his dereliction. "There's trouble all up and down the line," he said. "Nothing like a schedule left west of Allbright. Two passenger trains have come through, though. Would you like to see a paper?