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The presence of the larvæ produces very painful and troublesome sores. It has also been suggested that they might reach the subcutaneous tissue by migrating from the alimentary canal as do some of the other bot-flies. A very serious eye disease, Egyptian opthalmia, is known to be spread by the house-flies and others.

This condition applies to the food and the digestion of man. The digestive apparatus of the human body consists of the alimentary canal and tributary organs which, although outside of this canal, communicate with it by ducts. The alimentary canal consists of the mouth, the pharynx, the oesophagus, the stomach, and the intestines.

However, I have been obliged to recommence it, to study the special facts bearing on the alimentary question, and I must say that all the results obtained by Mr. Bertsch, Mr. Trecul, and myself agree with those given by Mr. Payen. No. 1 represents a superficial side of the crease. No. 2 indicates the epidermis or cuticle.

If the Philanthus is an expert in killing Bees and emptying crops swollen with honey, this cannot be merely an alimentary resource, especially when, in common with the others, she has the banqueting-hall of the flowers. I cannot accept her atrocious talent as inspired merely by the craving for a feast obtained at the expense of an empty stomach.

This is the liver of the Amphioxus, the simplest kind of liver that we meet in any vertebrate. In man also the liver develops, as we shall see, in the shape of a pouch-like blind sac, that forms out of the alimentary canal behind the stomach. The formation of the circulatory system in this animal is not less interesting.

A severe attack which will not yield to this simple treatment may be conquered by administering a small dose of laudanum or ether, best given under medical supervision. Castor oil, given as soon as the symptoms of colic manifest themselves, has frequently afforded relief. At any rate, the irritating substances must be expelled from the alimentary canal before the pains will subside.

Exercise has a direct mechanical influence upon the entire alimentary canal. The contraction of the abdominal muscles and the bending or other movements of the trunk of the body produce a certain amount of movement in and pressure upon the digestive organs in a direct mechanical way.

It also washes out the accumulation of mucus in the stomach, which may easily equal a pint in volume. This pint of mucous plus the pint of water, making a quart of liquid altogether, pours through the pylorus, and during the rapid walk, works its way rapidly down through the alimentary tract, washing the whole tract and preparing it to receive and rapidly to digest the next meal.

Those taking the treatment for constipation recommended in this book often stimulate the alimentary canal to such an extent that graham or whole-wheat products are slightly irritating in their effect. As long as such symptoms exist white bread can be used.

Among some of these most highly modified crustaceans the whole of the alimentary canal that is, all the food-digesting and food-absorbing parts form a useless solid cord: the animal is nourished it is a parasite by absorption of the nutritive fluid in which it swims.