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You ought to easily get your seventy-five cents that way, Alice, for the bushes ate usually loaded with berries." "But the berries are yours to begin with," objected Alice, who liked to be fair; "we can't sell you something that already belongs to you." "Of course you can't," replied Grandmother, much pleased with Alice's honesty.

Just set down and cool off while I fetch something for you to take back. Don't take a drink till you set awhile; you're all overheated." "What do you suppose she's going to give us?" whispered Alice. Marian shook her head. "I'd like water better than anything, but she said we'd best wait and I'm going to." "Then I will," said Alice, not to be outdone.

Alice shook her head and put her cheek against his again and clasped his fingers in hers. "No, my instinct is against it. Some day perhaps. But not now, not now. I want you. I want only you. We are together out here out beyond the pale. Inside, others would come in and and surely come between us. I want no others none." Howard was now thirty years old.

"Alice will wear white this summer; 'tis most suitable. She has white slips and to spare." "But in the winter?" urged the other. "'Twill be sad for the child, and we all so bright. There's my pearl silk, I'm fairly tired of it, and with a cherry waist-piece" "You lose breath," said my mother, coldly and half vexed. So Mary Strathsay bit her lip and kept the peace.

Alice felt almost unbearable disgust while doing her merciful task; but she bravely persevered until it was finished. It was now late in the afternoon, and the sun would be setting before they could reach home. "We must hurry back, Jean," Alice said, turning to depart. "It will be all we can do to reach the other side in daylight.

"O," said Alice, in her gentle way, "I've only to think of poor blind Jo going round with his little dog, begging from door to door, and never seeing anything in all the world, no sun, no moon, no stars, no any light to him at all.

She could scarcely see the man, and was not certain that she desired to, but she would have known who he was had he been wholly invisible. "It is you," she said softly. "I knew that you would come." "Yes," said Alton. "You asked me to, but now I know that I should not have done so." "And that I should not have asked you?" said Alice Deringham. "You should have been on your journey already."

The Duchess spoke with an enormous emphasis on every other word, sometimes putting so great a stress on some special syllable, as almost to bring her voice to a whistle. This she had done with the word "pipes" to a great degree, so that Alice never afterwards forgot the hot-water pipes of Longroyston.

He would go this very afternoon, and ascertain his fate before the day was over. He went boldly up to the door and rang. "The family were all out in the garden after dinner," Alice said: "would Mr Hope join them there, or would he rest himself while she told them he had arrived?" Alice's anxiety about his looks was not yet satisfied.

I'll take one in one hand, and this here cutlash in the other; and you'll take t'other torch in one hand and your pistol in the other, and clap that bit of a broken sword 'tween yer teeth, and we'll give a horrid screech, and rush in pell-mell all of a heap like. "And suppose," said Corrie, in a tone of withering sarcasm, "suppose all this happened to Alice, instead of the dirty nigger?"