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Norvin felt some relief at this intelligence, reflecting that Margherita would hardly draw her aunt into an enterprise which promised to be dangerous. As he considered the matter further he began to doubt the truth of Aliandro's story, for the old fellow seemed half daft. Perhaps the Countess and her aunt were merely traveling and Aliandro had construed their trip into a journey of vengeance.

Aliandro's face had once been long and pointed, but with the loss of teeth and the other mysterious shrinkages of time it had shortened until in repose the chin and the nose seemed to meet like the points of calipers. When he moved his jaws his whole countenance lengthened magically, as if made of some substance more elastic than flesh.

Aliandro's loose lips parted over his toothless gums and he mumbled: "Illustrissimo, the accursed affliction is worse." "Impossible! Then why these capers? My dear Aliandro, you are shamming. Why, you came leaping like a goat." "As God is my judge, carino, I can sleep only in the sun. It is like the tortures of the devil, and my bones creak like a gate."

"Do you believe in the vendetta?" Norvin asked, curiously. "Who does not? The law is full of tricks. There is a saying which runs, 'The gallows for the poor, justice for the fool!" "You are a Mafiosa," cried the scandalized aunt. "It is one of Aliandro's sayings. He has lived a life! He often tells me stories." "Aliandro is a terrible liar," Martel declared.