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You do not learn Mathematics simply that you may know so many books of Euclid, and so many pages of Algebra; it is to give you power over your minds, to enable you to follow a chain of reasoning, to teach you to keep up continuous attention, and not to jump at conclusions.

The old life at the Carter school seemed a sort of nightmare from which she had wakened to find broad daylight and all the miserable fancies dispelled. She and Cicely were seated at their desks one afternoon. It was half-past four and study hour. Cicely was hard at work upon her algebra lesson, but Toinette was writing a letter.

An examination was held in 1834 for three days in Ancient Greek, Geography, History, Geometry, Algebra, the Philosophy of Language, and the Holy Scriptures; the King and the bishop of the city being among the persons present. 1 Nassau College, in Princeton, N. J., had conferred the degree of D. D. on Mr. King. Mr.

I ought to have observed, that during my stay at this school, I had made some proficiency in mathematics and algebra. My father had procured for me a berth on board a fine frigate at Plymouth, and the interval between my nomination and joining was spent by my parents in giving advice to me, and directions to the several tradesmen respecting my equipment.

Incidentally Heron shows how he obtained an approximation to the cube root of a non-cube number . Quadratic equations are solved by Heron by a regular rule not unlike our method, and the Geometrica contains two interesting indeterminate problems. We come, lastly, to Algebra.

Haven't I been three times through the Arithmetic and once through the Algebra that I may support myself and somebody else, sometime?" This seemed very grand to child Marjorie who found fractions a very Slough of Despond. "I'm going to the city as soon as Uncle Jack finds a place for me. I expect a letter from him every night." "Perhaps it will come to-night," said Marjorie, not very hopefully.

Roger Morton recommends you a relation unfortunate circumstances well educated hum! Well, young man, what have you to say for yourself?" "Sir?" "Can you cast accounts? know bookkeeping?" "I know something of algebra, sir." "Algebra! oh, what else?" "French and Latin." "Hum! may be useful. Why do you wear your hair so long? look at mine. What's your name?" "Philip Morton." "Mr.

Emilia Chalmers, who was musical, could not get on with them at all; the three Miss Jardines, who were very amiable girls, with nothing in them, could not tell whether to call them blues or hoydens; their Latin and algebra on the one hand, and their swimming-bath, and their riding about the country without a groom on the other, made them altogether so unfeminine.

He set the example by writing, not only on the most important Hebrew books, Biblical, Talmudic, and Cabbalistic, but also on algebra, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, and grammar. And his example served as an impetus and encouragement to the Maskilim in spreading knowledge among their coreligionists. Such was the man who led the crusade against the converts to Hasidism.

He says he prefers to come here for the present. I am reading the "Iliad," and the "Aeneid" and Cicero, besides doing a lot in Geometry and Algebra. The "Iliad" is beautiful with all the truth, and grace and simplicity of a wonderfully childlike people while the "Aeneid" is more stately and reserved.