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Was this Alfieri the man who "hated" von Kerber who "brought a very serious charge" against him? But Royson was given no time for consecutive thought. The Baron, breathing heavily, and seemingly in pain, came to him and said, in the low tone of one who does not wish to be overheard: "Let your prisoner go, Mr. King.

"I have to thank you for the books you so kindly sent; I ought to have returned them ere this," said Evelyn. "I have no use for them. Poetry has lost its charm for me, especially that species of poetry which unites with the method and symmetry something of the coldness of Art. How did you like Alfieri?"

Liberty was the muse of Alfieri, Religion was the muse of Cowper. The same truth is found in their lighter pieces. They were not among those who deprecated the severity, or deplored the absence, of an unreal mistress in melodious commonplaces. Instead of raving about imaginary Chloes and Sylvias, Cowper wrote of Mrs. Unwin's knitting-needles.

Another shrine intervenes, and next you see the tomb of Alfieri, erected to his memory by the Countess of Albany, who pays, out of a woman's love, the honor which his country owed him. Her own monument is in one of the chapels of the transept. Passing the next shrine you see the tomb of Macchiavelli, which, I think, was constructed not many years after his death.

We should begin with man, of course; institute a large and exact comparison between the development of la pianta umana, as Alfieri called it, in different sections of each country, in the different callings, at different ages, estimating height, weigh, force by the dynamometer and the spirometer, and finishing off with a series of typical photographs, giving the principal national physiognomies.

It was really an accident. Monsieur le Baron was exceedingly grieved." "But he kept the papers?" was Fenshawe's grim comment. "By the Kaaba, and why not? Here was Monsieur Alfieri trying to hang him, and all because Madame would not have anything to do with him. You see, there was every reason why the Hakim Effendi should get the papers.

Alfieri conceived liberty from the purely antique, or, if you prefer, pseudo-antique, point of view; it was to him the final cause of the world; the aim of all struggles; to be free was the one and only desideratum, to be master of one's own thoughts, actions, and words, merely for the sake of such mastery.

I cannot recall the past glories of Florence, or even touch on Cosmo's "immortal century;" I cannot speak of its galleries, so rich in painting, so unrivalled in statuary; nor can I enter its Pitti palace, with its hanging gardens; or the city churches, with their store of frescoes and paintings; or its Santa Crocé, with its six mighty tombs, those even of Dante, Galileo, Machiavelli, Michael Angelo, Alfieri, Leonardo Aretino.

"I have to thank you for the books you so kindly sent; I ought to have returned them ere this," said Evelyn. "I have no use for them. Poetry has lost its charm for me, especially that species of poetry which unites with the method and symmetry something of the coldness of Art. How did you like Alfieri?"

He understood that everything was useless; he realized she was no longer for him, because she belonged to another. As his suffering returned, he pushed her out of the door. She remained a moment in the corridor, proudly waiting for a word. But he shouted again, "Go!" and shut the door violently. On the Via Alfieri, she saw again the pavilion in the rear of the courtyard where pale grasses grew.