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"It would be strange," she said, "if a wife should need encouragement to stand by her husband when he is in trouble." Alex had hated the minister ever since, and had made this an excuse for growing neglect of religious duties. "It is no wonder he dreads to go to preachin', with that awful sin on his conscience," the women whispered to one another.

Consequently when on reporting at the Exeter office one evening he was introduced to Wilson Jennings, Alex treated him with but little more than necessary courtesy. For the newcomer, an operator but little older than himself, was distinctly a "dude" from his patent-leather shoes and polka-dotted stockings to his red-and-yellow banded white straw hat.

That breaks up the fiber and makes it soft. "But now, Moise," resumed Alex, getting up and filling his pipe, "I think it is about time we went down and had a look at those rapids below the camp. We've got to get through there somehow before long." "I don't like this water in here at all," said Jesse, looking troubled.

And to Jack's unspeakable horror he was informed he must be taken into custody. Needless to say, the news of Jack's arrest, and of his early trial at Eastfield, the county seat, came as a tremendous shock to Alex, at Exeter.

When Thomson died in 1748 C., who had been his friend, commemorated him in a beautiful ode. Another left unfinished that on the Superstitions of the Scottish Highlands, was for many years lost sight of, but was discovered by Dr. Alex. C.'s poetry is distinguished by its high imaginative quality, and by exquisitely felicitous descriptive phrases.

And, apparently, he could not reach the despatcher, to give warning of her danger! What could he do to stop them? Helplessly Alex looked at the lantern in his hand. Its light was smothered by the fog within ten feet of him. Running back to the operating room he seized the key and once more sought to attract the attention of the despatcher. It was useless. The despatcher did not hear him.

Any word of the progress made by the K. & Z.?" inquired Construction Superintendent Finnan the following morning, Sunday, looking into the telegraph-car. Alex threw down his towel and stepped to the instrument table. "Yes, sir; here's one that came late last night. "It says they started from Red Deer yesterday morning, and made nearly three and a half miles."

As it was, marriage had never entered her head." "She couldn't have chosen a better man," said Peters warmly, "if he had only been content to wait a year or two " "Alex would probably have eloped with a groom or a circus rider before she reached years of discretion!" laughed Miss Craven. "But it's a difficult question, the problem of husband choosing," she went on thoughtfully.

To the boys it seemed sure that the boats could not get through such water at all, but to their surprise the two men seemed not in the least concerned when at length they returned to the camp. "It's a little rough," said Alex, "but there seems to be a good channel out in the middle, plenty of water. We'll run the boats through all right without any trouble.

Baillie, Robert G. Bruce and J. F. W. DesBarres applied for another immense tract on behalf of themselves and 54 other officers. Capt. Alex. Hay is said to have saved the life of the Duke of Cumberland, during the rebellion of 1745. In Des Barres' splendid chart of St. John harbor, published according to act of parliament in 1780, the well-known Reed's Point is called "Point-Debbeig."