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"The place looks all right, and I know very little about such things. I know much more about boxes of roses than bushes of them." "This man," pointing to the assistant, "says Alex isn't a gardener. That he doesn't know anything about plants." "That's very strange," I said, thinking hard. "Why, he came to me from the Brays, who are in Europe." "Exactly." The detective smiled.

"My, isn't he a whale!" said Jesse. "There's plenty of meat, I should think." "Yes, we've killed him," said Alex, "but what good is he to us? Grizzlies aren't good to eat, even when they are feeding on berries, as this one is." "Never mind," said Rob; "this is a pretty good robe, I want to tell you, even if it is only in August.

That's he!" cried Alex. With a shout the entire court-room was on its feet, women waving their handkerchiefs and men cheering wildly again and again.

"This is a splendid robe, I'm telling you, fine color, and not worn nearly as badly as I should have expected in the summer-time. We're going to have a rug made out of it for Uncle Dick's house, and we want the skull, too. We'll carry that down the hill." "All right," said Alex; "I'll have plenty to do with the rest of this old fellow."

For a brief space, while only the rain on the roof broke the silence, the foreigner apparently looked directly at the boy on the floor, and Alex's heart seemed literally to stand still. But at last, after what appeared an interminable time, the man again turned, and withdrew, and with a sigh of relief Alex heard him say to those below, "Only de wind, dat's all."

"I guess he won't bother me any; I'm here to stay." "No, he won't be apt to bother you any. Probably kill you, though, if you don't keep your eyes open. But don't worry about that, because if he does I'll get him." "He can't bluff me. I served with the engineers in Russia." "You'll be servin' with the devils in hell, too, if you don't quit makin' enemies of men like Alex Thumb."

Roger, who was obliged to go away the next day, cheered up his brother Alex into a certainty that Fred would be about again in a week, and though no one but the boys shared the belief, yet the assurances of any one so sanguine, inspired them all with something like hope. The attendance at first fell almost entirely on Mrs.

"Heem awful mad," whispered Moise. "S'pose you'll seen heem here, he'll fight sure. He'll bite all the tree an' fight the bush." After a while Alex showed them a deep excavation in the soft dirt. "He'll dig hole here an' lie down," said Moise. "Plenty mad now, sure!"

But in the meantime he had decided to leave the securing of the fragment of glass and the attempt at escape until night. In further preparation for the attempt Alex that afternoon stretched himself on the cot, and slept several hours. To the young operator it seemed that the cowman would never retire that night.

When presently he found still others, and several to Eastfield, he hurried back to the wire and calling Alex asked the nature of the goods lost track of at those stations, and breathlessly awaited the reply. "I'll ask," said Alex "Silverware and silk. Mostly silk." Jack uttered a shout. "Hurrah, Alex," he whirred, "I'm on the track of our friend the 'ghost. But keep mum.