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Then suddenly he started sharply, grew alert in every sense, and sounded a summons for his messenger boy. When the lad appeared, he asked: "Do you know if Mr. Bullen is on the premises?" "Yus, sur, he is!" "Ask him to step this way, at once, please!" George Bullen, was a keen, up-to-date young journalist, a man of thirty-two only, but with a fine record as regarded his profession.

I walked on, alert, trying to take in everything, wondering if I would meet Steele, wondering how I would know him if we did meet. But I believed I could have picked that Ranger out of a thousand strangers, though I had never seen him. Presently the residences gave place to buildings fronting right upon the stone sidewalk.

There was a long groove in the covering built up by the growths; a vertical strip some six feet long, of a uniform gray, showed. Ashe touched the find and then gave the alert via the sonic code. "Metal or an alloy, we've found it!" But what did they have?

A triumphal procession like his the world had not yet seen: it was a thing to make the most incurious alert, and even the sad and solitary student content to come out and mingle with the mob. The captives that accompanied a Roman general's car might be strange barbarians of a tribe from which Rome had not before had slaves. But barbarians were not unknown creatures.

If it had been a little dog that had chanced to wander that way, when he crossed my path he would have followed it up to the barn and have gone smelling around for a bone; but this sharp, cautious track held straight across all others, keeping five or six rods from the house, up the hill, across the highway towards a neighboring farmstead, with its nose in the air and its eye and ear alert, so to speak.

Hazard, every sense on the alert, almost exulting in his perfect coolness, took in the slack with deft rapidity. Then, as the rope began to tighten, he braced himself. The shock drew him half out of the crevice; but he held firm and served as the center of the circle, while Gus, with the rope as a radius, described the circumference and ended up on the extreme southern edge of the Saddle.

Whether or not she felt responsible for having promoted Statira's affair with him, and therefore bound to guard her to the utmost from suffering by it, she seemed always to be on the alert to seize any advantage against him.

I leaned out silently alert, and to my surprise I saw Cat-Eye Mose though it was pretty dark I could not be mistaken in his long loping run slink out from the shadow of the house and make across the open space of lawn toward the deserted negro cabins. As he ran he was bent almost double over a large black bundle which he carried in his arms.

His army was up and alert at three, and by four o'clock those that were to hold the center were in position, though he had them lie down again on their arms, so that they might get every moment of rest. Three o'clock saw the troops that were to flank the enemy already on the march.

The news editor was thin-faced and nervous and alert and immaculately groomed. Bat was round-faced and sleepy-eyed tortoise-shell eyes and all that prevented his suit from looking positively slovenly was that his own ample avoirdupois filled every wrinkle. The news editor adjusted his glasses to his nose and answered, "Yes, Yes," impatiently over the telephone.