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Salesman prosper in life, and get an alderman's daughter for their son. My attorney looks out amongst his clients for an eligible husband for Miss Deeds; sends his son to the bar, into Parliament, where he cuts a figure and becomes attorney-general, makes a fortune, has a house in Belgrave Square, and marries Miss Deeds of the second generation to a peer.

He "adjured the mob by those who met at Runnymead to resist such an act of lawless power; applauded the heaven-born suggestion of the drunkard; called upon them all to follow his example; by Magna Charta every Englishman was entitled to stretch himself at length in the mud when and where he would; and at the Alderman's peril be it, if he should presume to drive over them."

It was not until the Queen died, and Bacon was forty-seven years old, that he became solicitor-general , in the fourth year of the reign of James, one year after his marriage with Alice Barnham, an alderman's daughter, "a handsome maiden," and "to his liking."

Alderman Dooley, between whom and Alderman Bristle, an old grudge had stood for some time unsettled, cast a frown upon the assertion, and declared that the language held was an implied insult, whereupon he measured with his stalwart arm the distance between his body and the Alderman's nose.

"Nice and fat, ain't 'e?" said the man, touching the baby's applelike cheek with a grimy finger. "Yes." "Ah and so 'e should be, James! But 'you should see 'im eat, a alderman's nothing to Lewis I calls 'im Lewis, for 'twere at Lewisham I found 'im, on a Christmas Eve snowing it was, but, by James! it didn't bother 'im not a bit." "And why did you keep him? there was the parish."

Montenero had begun by acting a very generous part, she understood, at first, by way of being the benevolent Jew, but had not come up to the alderman's expectations latterly, and had shown a most illiberal partiality to the Manessas, and this Jacob, only because they was Jews; which, you know," said Mrs.

It need scarcely be remarked that he was astonished to receive a scent-bottle on the spot, as the only reward his meritorious service was probably destined ever to meet with. Breathless in her panic, Mrs. Chump assured him she was a howling beggar, and the smell of a scent was like a crool blow to her; above all, the smell of Alderman's Bouquet, which Chump "tell'n a lie, ye know, Mr.

The coldness of the alderman's letter seemed to strike the boy more than the loss of a fortune "And this is a friend!" he exclaimed with indignation. "No, my love," said Mrs. Howard, with a calm smile, "I never thought Mr. Holloway any thing more than a common acquaintance: I hope I am sure I have chosen my friends better."

I would give you a one-hundred-franc note if I could secure for to-morrow morning your alderman's face and your complexion a la Teniers." "Thanks, we are not masquerading just at present. Nevertheless, all that you have said does not prove in the slightest that she loves you." "My dear Marillac, words may have escaped me in my anger which have caused you to judge hastily.

All kinds of persons used to hear the barking of the alderman's revolver in his stable-yard, and the cumulative effect of these noises wore down calumny and incredulity. And, of course, having once begun to practise, the alderman could not decently cease. The absurd situation endured.