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Then, turning to the alcalde, who had stood by, listening, but understanding nothing of what was being said, George remarked: "Senor Alvarez, as you have just seen, I have issued certain instructions to two of my officers, and they are these.

The Alcalde would have fallen flat but for him," cried Coralie; "if there had been no article, I should have been in for another six years of the Boulevard theatres." She danced up to Lucien and flung her arms round him, putting an indescribable silken softness and sweetness into her enthusiasm. Love had come to Coralie. And Camusot? his eyes fell.

There was no response. Brannan's gavel fell, decisively. "Sold!" he cried, and half a dozen voices cheered. Inez Windham made her way to the auctioneer's stand and handed three banknotes to Alcalde Hyde. "But, my dear young lady," he expostulated, "you need only pay a fourth of the money down. Six dollars and a quarter is enough."

"Would you like to ask the witness any questions?" he inquired. "No. Everything seems to have been told as clear and as straight as a string," one of them replied, and all the others nodded their assent to this, statement. "Have the prisoners any questions they wish to ask the witness?" and the alcalde turned to Thure and Bud. For a moment the two boys consulted together.

Gathering himself up for mischief, the Alcalde took a sweep, as if ploughing out the line of some vast encampment, or tracing the pomaerium for some future Rome; then, like thunder and lightning, with arms flying aloft in the air, down he came upon the trembling trench.

We went to the cottage of the Indian alcalde, who declared that there was nothing to eat or drink in the village, though we were standing in his doorway and could see the strings of plantains hanging to the roof, and the old women were hard at work cooking. However, when Mr.

Meanwhile, to the American alcalde, who had established his rule at Yerba Buena, a trading hamlet in the cove opposite the island of that name and nucleus of the present San Francisco, came Folsom, United States army captain and quartermaster, to whom had been given certain lots of land in Yerba Buena, and said: "Why not call the town San Francisco, and bring hither ships which clear from various ports for San Francisco bay?"

We led our mules straight through the one big room of the inn out into the yard behind it, and while doing it I committed the grave discourtesy of not first removing my spurs. Aiken told me about it at once, and I apologized to everyone to the alcalde, and the priest, and the village school-master who had crossed the plaza to welcome us and I asked them all to drink with me.

A week afterwards, he was again visited by the alcalde, who read over to him the answers which he had made on the first occasion, and required him to confirm them. He was then directed to send his procuration to certain persons in the Netherlands, whom he might wish to appear in his behalf. Montigny complied by sending several names, with a clause of substitution.

The curate then took up the sprinkler and sprinkled the stones with holy water. The time had now come for each one to put his trowelful of mortar on the surface of the stone, which lay in the ditch, so that the other stone might fit upon it and be made to adhere to it. Ibarra presented the Alcalde with a trowel, upon whose wide silver blade was engraved the date.