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There was a moment of suspense; not long: for almost on the instant a brilliant light shone within the cave, accompanied with a sputtering and whizzing and cracking, as if half a dozen alarm-clocks had been set going at the same time!

Haying will soon be upon us, and there is no slackening in the wheels of industry about Alabama Ranch. My Little Alarm-Clocks have me up bright and early, and the morning prairie is a joy that never grows old to the eye. Life is good, and I intend to be happy, for I'm going alone, Though Hell forefend, By a way of my own To the bitter end! And our miseries, after all, are mostly in our own minds.

He escaped from reality till the alarm-clock rang, at seven-twenty. It was the best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments, including cathedral chime, intermittent alarm, and a phosphorescent dial. Babbitt was proud of being awakened by such a rich device. Socially it was almost as creditable as buying expensive cord tires.

In cafes and grills and private dining rooms groups of revelers, whose pleasures were not halted by the nickel alarm-clocks ticking inexorably all over the city and its suburbs, still lingered long after the masses had gone home yawning and counting the fullness of past joys by the present extent of smarting sunblisters.

For most of us or alarm-clocks would not be made to ring continuously until the harassed bed-warmer gets up and stops the racket this getting out of bed is no such easy matter; and perhaps it will be the same when Gabriel's trumpet is the alarm-clock.