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The emblem patrol sauntered over to the flag pole and sprawled beneath it to rest and await the moment of sunset. Several canoes moved aimlessly upon the glinting water, their occupants idling with the paddles. It was the time of waiting, the empty hour or two between the day's end and supper-time. Upon a rock near the lake sat a little fellow, quite alone.

He drifted aimlessly down the creek and he began to wonder about Mavis, whether she had got home and now knew what had happened and what she thought about it all, and about his grandfather and who it was that had shot him. There were many things that he wanted to know, and his steps quickened with a definite purpose.

"If everything is settled, in what way do you want my help, Rosalind?" Rosalind sat down upon the sofa, still retaining her grip of her friend's hand, and drawing her down on the seat by her own. She stared aimlessly up and down the room, opening her lips as if about to speak, and closing them again in despair of expressing her thoughts, until suddenly the words came out in a breathless rush.

But do you know," she broke off, turning her quick eyes upon Madame Ratignolle and leaning forward a little so as to bring her face quite close to that of her companion, "sometimes I feel this summer as if I were walking through the green meadow again; idly, aimlessly, unthinking and unguided." Madame Ratignolle laid her hand over that of Mrs. Pontellier, which was near her.

The pleasures which sufficed to keep him from home had the same sordid monotony which characterises life in general for the lower strata of society. If he had money, there was the music-hall; if he had none, there were the streets. Being in the latter condition to-night, he joined a company of male and female intimates, and with them strolled aimlessly from one familiar rendezvous to another.

And on the instant, Ina Vandeman's clear, high voice called down the stair, "Bring Mr. Boyne up now." Skeet stepped aside for me to pass. I suppose I looked as startled as I felt, for on my way to the house, I had seen Mrs. Vandeman drive past toward town. I stood there at a loss, and finally said aimlessly, "Your sister thinks it's all right?" "My sister?"

They did not hurry over the meal, for everyone was a little lazy after the long day, and there was plenty of time to get home the long summer evening was before them, and it would merge into the beauty of a moonlit night. So they "loafed" and chatted aimlessly, and drank huge quantities of the billy-tea, that is quite the nicest tea in the world, especially when it is stirred with a stick.

Victor sought out Brother Jacques for advice; but Brother Jacques's advice was similar to the Chevalier's and the governors. So the day wore on into evening, and only then did the Chevalier venture forth. He wandered aimlessly about the ramparts, alone, having declined Victor's company, and avoiding all whom he saw. He wanted to be alone, alone, forever alone.

He went up to the first landing, not knowing why, then roamed aimlessly through, wandering from room to room, idly, looking on familiar things as though they were strange strange, but uninteresting. Upstairs and down, in, around, and about he drifted, quiet as a cat, avoiding only his wife's bedroom.

There was a half-moment of terrific suspense, then the beasts clambered by the seated figure, passing on each side and circled aimlessly about the yard their quest unended. They sniffed indifferently about the trouser legs of the men who sauntered indolently out of the door.