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Aie! Voudou Magnan!" and "Aie Calinda! Dancé Calinda!" The volume of sound rose and fell with the augmentation or diminution of the dancers' extravagances.

And then came a trample, a roll of many feet on the soft spongy peat, a low murmur which rose into wild shouts of "Dex Aie!" as a human tide poured along the causeway, and past the witch of Brandon Heath. "'Dex Aie?" quoth William, with a sneer. "'Debbles Aie! would fit better."

The kitchen was crowded with excited scullions, one of whom kicked him. 'Aie, said Kim, feigning tears. 'I came only to wash dishes in return for a bellyful. 'All Umballa is on the same errand. Get hence. They go in now with the soup. Think you that we who serve Creighton Sahib need strange scullions to help us through a big dinner? 'It is a very big dinner, said Kim, looking at the plates.

"I want you for prima facie evidence, in case the vaccination don't take," said Pyecroft in my ear. "Push off, Alf!" The last bell-ringing was high overhead. It was followed by six little tinkles from the Agatha, the roar of her falling anchor, the clash of pans, and loose shouting. "Where be gwine tu? Port your 'ellum. Aie! you mud-dredger in the fairway, goo astern! Out boats! She'll sink us!"

Appeal to Dashenka; she will go with you anywhere you like." "Can't you help thinking of her even now?" "Poor little spaniel! Give her my greetings. Does she know that even in Switzerland you had fixed on her for your old age? What prudence! What foresight! Aie, who's that?" At the farther end of the room a door opened a crack; a head was thrust in and vanished again hurriedly.

Tenant per la Curtesie d'Engleterre est, hon home prent feme seisie in fee simple ou en fee taile generall, ou seisie come heire de la taile speciall et ad issue per mesme la fame, male ou female, oies ou wife, soit lissue apres mort ou en vie si la feme de aie, la baron tiendra la terre durant sa vie, per la ley dengleterre. Sis. Nay, here's enough a Conscience!

As I say, he gave me the Villa de Beau-séjour, and used to say if I behaved myself he might some day make me 'Baronne de Beau-séjour. How'd you have liked that, eh? Sort of morganatic Queen? I lay I'd have put some good management into the runnin' of those places. Aïe! How they used to swindle 'im, and he believing himself always such a sharp man of business! When that Vaughan hussy..."

In a lull of their song, faint sounds of another arrive from far away. Rising and falling, now heard and now not, plaintive and recurring, it is like the voices of spirits. But farther, farther yet, a still more distant echo a suggestion scarcely real floats also to us. "Aië! cela ressemble un peu

They gyrated in couples, a few at a time, throwing their bodies into the most startling attitudes and the wildest contortions, while the whole company of black lookers-on, incited by the tones of the weird music and the violent posturing of the dancers, swayed and writhed in passionate sympathy, beating their breasts, palms and thighs in time with the bones and drums, and at frequent intervals lifting, in that wild African unison no more to be described than forgotten, the unutterable songs of the Babouille and Counjaille dances, with their ejaculatory burdens of "Aie!

Levi, how still and peaceful they are when their time comes to grub. 'The still sow sups the kail, as we used to say in the north; the English turn the proverb differently, they say 'The silent hog " "Jabber! jabber! jabber! aie! aie!" "Hallo! there's a scrimmage! and there go all the fools rushing to see it. I'll go, too!" Alas! poor human nature; the row was this.