United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She paused for a few moments, overcome with her feelings, and then resumed: "One in an extremity like mine, sir, will do many things from which, under other circumstances she should shrink. This is my only excuse for troubling you at the present time. But I cannot see my little family in want without an effort to sustain them; and, with a little aid, I see my way clear to do so.

But this defect in him was counterbalanced by the lavishness with which his pay was lent, given, or spent in the very moment of its receipt. If a man of his tribu wanted anything, he knew that Bel-a-faire-peur would offer his last sous to aid him, or, if money were all gone, would sell the last trifle he possessed to get enough to assist his comrade.

He made up his mind he would set Miss Cotton and the Ladies' Aid to redouble their efforts towards improving the place. When the service ended with a long, slowly-droned psalm and the children filed quietly out, whispering even on the doorstep, the minister drew a deep breath of relief. He found himself walking up the hill with old John Hamilton and Peter McNabb.

Where is the lovin' mother, the charitable heart to the poor and desolate, and the hand that was ever ready to aid them that was in distress? Where are they all now? There, dead and cowld forever, in that coffin. What has become of my wife, I say? What is death at all, to take all we love from us this way?

"She's struck!" shrieked Belle. Then Cora left the engine to Kent and took charge of the senseless girl. The coffee that stood on the still warm electric stove proved a valuable aid in restoring the stunned Lottie. She had not been struck; her nerves had simply given out, and she had collapsed. Finally she opened her eyes.

The nature of the ground was such, however, that on this occasion it could do nothing in aid of the troops until sundown on the first day. The country was broken and heavily timbered, cutting off all view of the battle from the river, so that friends would be as much in danger from fire from the gunboats as the foe.

"Perhaps not, from your point of view," he said, roughly, then struck his palm with closed fist. "What an idiot I was to begin all this to think I could win with no weapons and no aid except a half-mad fisherman, an addle-brained imbecile, a confidence man " "And a woman," supplemented Cherry. Then, more gravely: "I'm the one to blame; I got you into it." "No, I blame no one but myself.

"He turned away as he spoke, mounted with the aid of one of his knights, waved his hand graciously to Quijada and, while his horse was already moving, called to him, 'My brother, Don Juan, will be addressed as your Excellency.

"He may accept her aid till he has found some way of earning money. What amazes me if you will allow me the liberty of an old friend is that you should think a woman justified in coercing a son of mature age in such a matter!" His tone, his manner pierced Lady Lucy's pride.

The Democrats had carried two or three States by the persuasion of shotguns, and the Republicans with the aid of electoral commissions had counted in the electoral votes of a State or two which they did not carry at all.