United States or Moldova ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Now these very persons, when called upon annually by the tax-gatherer to contribute their proportion for the support of paupers made so by idleness, intemperance, and other vices, which, as we have already seen, result from ignorance do so cheerfully and ungrudgingly, and without complaining that they support themselves and their families, and that neither duty nor interest requires them to aid in the maintenance of indigent persons in the community.

That Carlia should be keeping company with someone other than himself, had never occurred to him. And yet, why not? she was aid enough to accept attention from young men. He had certainly neglected her, as the mother had implied. The girl had such few opportunities for going out, why should she not accept such as came to her. But this stranger, this outsider! Dorian soon took his departure.

This necessarily introduced divergence of effort; but, France having first embarked alone in the contest and then sought the aid of Spain, the particular objects of her ally naturally obtained from the beginning a certain precedence.

The time has come to reveal this piece of history, and I do so in the hope that it may aid in bettering the condition in which the Congress of the United States has, thus far, left its diplomatic servants. As already stated, the most important question with which I had to deal was that which had arisen in the Behring Sea.

To celebrate the reconciliation which followed this scene, Francis and I contributed three francs each, and it was arranged that the bugler with the aid of his comrades should try to slip out of the hospital and bring back some meat and wine.

With your assistance, M. Magloire, with the aid of Mechinet, to whom I am already indebted for very valuable information, with the aid of all our friends, in fine, I cannot help hoping that I may be able to improve my plan by adding some mysterious secret which may help to explain M. de Boiscoran's reticence.

By mutual confidence and mutual aid Great deeds are done and great discoveries made. With the certainty of having to stay in the Discovery hut for some time, the party set to work at once to make it as comfortable as possible.

A general provost marshal had been appointed over the whole city, which was subdivided into various districts, in each of which was an assistant provost marshall. Although there had been no provision for a general assistant provost marshal or aid, yet Colonel Nugent acted in this capacity.

The ground about here is too mean for good red worms. Just look, and Tom lifted up an old sardine box, half full of grubs, for the General to look at. "'Crazy, by G d, sir, said the General, turning to his Aid, 'Demented! Demented!

Now," he added, turning to the half a dozen blacks who remained, "if there are any among you who don't want to aid in loading a vessel that is going to hoist the Confederate colors to-morrow, you can go also." "But, Marse Jack," exclaimed Morris, who had been waiting for an opportunity like this, "you ain't no rebel." "Of course I am not. Who said I was?"