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His feet, in tan laced shoes, were ordinary feet, a little more than ordinarily expert, perhaps, in the convolutions of the dance at Englewood Masonic Hall, which is part of Chicago's vast South Side. No; a faun, to Miss Bauers, Miss Olson, Miss Ahearn, and just Gertie, was one of those things in the Lincoln Park Zoo. Perhaps, sometimes, they realized, vaguely, that Nick was different.

It was reported that Chanler had been mortally wounded, and was kept hidden in the bushes along the shore by the two doctors. Rescue parties were immediately organised, composed of volunteers, and no less than four were sent ashore during the night. Toward morning Lieutenant Ahearn, in charge of one of these, found Chanler and his companion. Chanler’s wound proved to be in the right elbow.

Only Ahearn and Milton Piper seemed unaffected. "It's a pretty fine town, Ahearn," said Ambler, "you'll find that." "I've found it so," said Ahearn pleasantly. "You find it more, Ahearn," said Harold, nodding emphatically "'f I've an'thin' do 'th it." He soared into a eulogy of the city, and Evylyn wondered uncomfortably if it bored every one as it bored her. Apparently not.

"Tom had trouble with Ahearn and Harold interfered," said Milton. "My Lord Milton," cried Evylyn, "couldn't you have done something?" "I tried; I " "Julie's sick," she interrupted; "she's poisoned herself. Get him to bed if you can." Harold looked up. "Julie sick?"

At seven-thirty, her cheeks glowing and her high-piled hair gleaming with a suspicion of brilliantine, Evylyn descended the stairs. Mrs. Ahearn, a little woman concealing a slight nervousness under red hair and an extreme Empire gown, greeted her volubly. Evelyn disliked her on the spot, but the husband she rather approved of.

Instead of making thousands of dollars this month by his fight with Young Ahearn, and possibly other matches with Bombardier Wells and Gunboat Smith, he, too, is on the pay list of the army at next to nothing a day. He is attached to the flying center as a chauffeur, and that car he is driving is his own, only he cannot take it out without orders now. Morning and evening they fly at Buc.

The Florida and the Fanita left Key West Saturday, June 25th, under convoy of the Peoria, commanded by Lieut. C. W. Rice. On board the steamers were 650 Cubans under Gen. Emilio Nunez, fifty troopers of the Tenth U. S. Cavalry under Lieutenants Johnson and Ahearn, and twenty-five Rough Riders under Winthrop Chanler, brother of Col. William Astor Chanler. The cargoes were enormous.

Ahearn not ungracefully flounced the tobacco from her skirt to the floor, never once looking at it. "I was sayin'," continued Tom thickly, "'fore 'at happened," he waved his hand apologetically toward Mrs. Ahearn "I was sayin' I heard all truth that Country Club matter." Milton leaned and whispered something to him.

In the chief's quarters of the Fourteenth Battalion up in Wakefield there sits to-day a man, still young in years, who in his maimed body but unbroken spirit bears such testimony to the quality of New York's fire-fighters as the brave Bresnan and his comrade did in their death. Thomas J. Ahearn led his company as captain to a fire in the Consolidated Gas-Works on the East Side.

"Ahearn and I had lunch together to-day and just about clinched it, so I thought it'd be nice to have him and his wife up to-night just have nine, mostly family. After all, it's a big thing for me, and of course we'll have to see something of them, Evie." "Yes," said Evie thoughtfully, "I suppose we will."