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He did not give me a decisive answer for a few days, however, preferring to act slowly, and consult his friends on the matter. They advised him to place no obstacle to the work of God, as his daughter freely offered herself for the mission, and so the truly Christian father agreed to let her go.

"The Sahib was always kind to the poorest and worst of his servants," replied the Burman. "I, Me Dain, was always glad to be of use to so kind a master." "Come aside with me, Me Dain," said Buck, and the whole party moved out of earshot of the inquisitive Chetti, hanging about to hear what passed between the sahibs and his neighbour. In two minutes Me Dain agreed to go with them.

"A good love story," said the Man of Business, "or perhaps a detective story, would be the best thing to sell." "The one point on which your friends seem agreed," said the True Story Teller, with a smile, "is that the public gives you an order for a novel." "Well, you know, I have written one already," answered the young Man of Letters, very quietly. "Why didn't you tell us?" chorused the others.

Tugnell, himself a candidate for orders, the owner of the living having promised that he should succeed the canon, expressed the more general view, when he said sharply, "Nonsense, my dear, the man had been drinking. Anyone could see that." And Ida agreed, as she did to everything Mr. Tugnell said.

We had arranged in this way: Havelok was to be the merchant, and we his partners in the venture, trading with the goods in the ship as our own. That the owner, who was also ship master, had agreed to willingly enough, as we promised to make good any loss that might be from our want of skill in bargaining.

His mother, as was her custom, had gone to bed early in the evening. "Yes! Isn't it nice?" I returned, smiling at him. "Ripping!" Dicky agreed enthusiastically. Then, reflectively, "Funniest thing about it is the way I cotton to this domestic stunt.

Well, dis kid, he is sure to de bad, 'cos his father come over from Italy to work on de Subway." "I don't see why that puts him in bad," said Billy Windsor wonderingly. "Nor I," agreed Psmith. "Your narratives, Comrade Maloney, always seem to me to suffer from a certain lack of construction.

In the morning, as agreed, I called on the king, and found the blister had drawn nicely; so I let off the water, which Bombay called the malady, and so delighted the king amazingly.

I'll bet he knows more about the man that fired that shot at you than he is willing to admit." "It looks like it," Hal agreed. "From his actions, I would judge that the shot was meant for him." "Exactly," said Chester, "and he knows who it was that fired it." "Well, there is no use talking about it," declared Hal. "We can't possibly figure it out ourselves.

She was to be treated kindly and made comfortable, her father said; that was agreed between us; and she has been treated kindly and made comfortable. I had to trust some one to wait upon her, and when Mr. Nowell saw the two girls he chose Sarah Batts.