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Before he could turn to look, the cutter seemed to be blown up by a bomb, and he rose in the air like a vaulter; he saw the traces part, he felt the reins slip through his hands, and that was all; he seemed to fall an immeasurable depth into a black abyss.... The next that he knew was a curious soft murmur of voices, out of which a sweet, agonized girl-voice broke, familiar but unrecognized: "Oh, where's the doctor!

I didn't even want to slaughter them for the dust they made, now that I'm a real motorist myself, for "dog cannot eat dog"; and even cyclists seemed like our poor relations. One elderly woman bumped by, sitting in a kind of dreadful bath chair fastened in front of a motor bicycle, spattering noise and petrol. You couldn't see her features under her expression, which was agonized.

"Pull out for nothing," was the astounding answer. "You know perfectly no Time Freight on this road takes a passenger of any kind, and it would be more'n my job's worth to take you!" "Then, in God's name, why did you signal?" was the almost agonized question. "Signal be jiggered! I never signalled. No man of my crew signalled. If you want to get back to the mines, stay here and flag No. 5.

Seven of that ship's company, so full of health and buoyancy and earthly hopes, but a few short months before, were hurried by fevers to an untimely, a little expected grave. And on that fatal list, was read with agonized hearts in the home of his childhood, the name of their first-born James Colman, aged sixteen. Boys!

Then he held her to him again with immense tenderness, even in this moment of agonized parting exulting in the intoxication of love he saw that he had created in her eyes. There was no wile for the enslaving of a woman's heart that he was not master of. The question as to whether he ought to have employed them on this occasion is quite another matter, and not for our consideration!

Moving swiftly away from the well-hole of the staircase he passed on tiptoe down the hall to the major's rooms, and opening the door, went in. The old soldier was standing, with arms folded, at the window looking silently out into the darkness of the night. He turned at the sound of the door's opening and moved toward Cleek with a white, agonized face and a pair of shaking, outstretched hands.

Vane had remained for some time in happy unconsciousness of the significance of Miss Browne's oration. It was something to see it gradually penetrate to his perceptions, vexing the alabaster brow with a faint wrinkle of perplexity, then suffusing his cheeks with agonized and indignant blushes. "Oh, I say, really, you know!" hovered in unspoken protest on his tongue. He threw imploring looks at Mr.

Her teeth gnashed with pain; her arms writhed in anguish! She wept tears of blood, and, with an agonized and avenging voice, she cried to her seducer: 'Thou art the cause of my perdition my curse, my curse be upon thee!" As he pronounced these last words, Rodin advanced three steps nearer to Hardy, accompanying each step with a menacing gesture.

In a flash of agonized understanding the wistful little sleep-story was filled out in every detail. She understood all the tragedy of it. "Russy! Russy!" She shook him in her eagerness. "Russy, it's my kisses! I'm kissing you! It isn't Jeffy's mother, it's your mother, Russy! Feel them! don't you feel them on your forehead and your hair and your little red lips? It's your mother kissing you!"

"George, it's father! He's alive!" "Quiet, Babs! Don't let him know I'm here. Remember!" The old man recognized her. "Babs!" It was an agonized cry. The blur of him was gone as he sank down into his chair. Polter continued standing, I could envisage his sardonic grin. From over us came Polter's rumble. "She iss glad to see you, Kent. I haf her here, safe.