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"Oh, I say," he said presently, "you are not going to to act like that, are you? Agitation's so frightfully bad for me. Ask old Bones." "You are not agitated," said Desire coldly. "Please be serious." "I am. Deuced serious. And agitated too. You ought to think twice before you startle me like that just when everything was going along so nicely."

This and nothing less will be the demand of the Irish leaders as soon as Parliament assembles at the beginning of the ensuing year. In order to a clear and correct understanding of the position of Irish affairs at the present juncture, and of the nature and ground of the Home Rule demand, it will be necessary briefly to sketch the history of the agitation's genesis and growth.

Appetite for breakfast was lacking, but Lance forced himself to swallow, as one aware of the consequences of fasting for agitation's sake, and he nearly crammed Gerald; so that Adrian and Fely laughed, and he excused himself by declaring that he wanted his turkey-cock to gobble and not pipe. For which bit of pleasantry he encountered a glare from Gerald's Hungarian eyes.

When he believed that he had found in confederation the real remedy, he was satisfied, and he did not keep up an agitation merely for agitation's sake. It is not necessary to attempt to justify every word that may have been struck off in the heat of a great conflict. There was a battle to be fought; he fought with all the energy of his nature, and with the weapons that lay at hand.

That's it! they roared with passion. 'Wantin' our money. 'That's all this agitation's about. 'Listen to me! She came close to the edge of the plinth. 'If it wus only to use fur our comfort, d'ye think many o' you workin' men would be found turnin' over their wyges to their wives? No! Wot's the reason thousands do and the best and the soberest?