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"It certainly is," and the girl smiled. "I am sure I shall like it. Where is your son now?" "Oh, he's ashore gittin' some molasses an' other stuff from the store. He should be back soon, Miss, so I think ye'd better leave before he comes. Thar might be trouble. He's dead set aginst strange women, Eben is."

Damn it, you fellows have got to quit talking about 'em as if they were blackleg stock or grasshoppers or something." "We ain't saying nothing aginst farmers AS farmers, Little One" Big Medicine explained forebearingly. "As men, and as women, and as kids, they're mighty nice folks. My folks have got an eighty-acre farm in Wisconsin," he confessed unexpectedly, "and I think a pile of 'em.

You 'ave a great taste for hosses and like to stay with 'em. Mister to you I sez: Gard aginst the lightish man and all will be well." She looked into it and said: "If you're not keerful when you git your money, you'll lose it, but which otherwise you will not, and fifty cents is as cheap as I kin afford to tell anybody's fortune, and no great shakes made then."

"Oh, them wuz religious meetin's," sez she. "Well," sez I, "mebby these wimmen think their meetin' is religious. You know the Bible sez, 'Faith and works should go together, and some of the leaders of this movement have showed by their works as religious a sperit and wielded aginst injustice to young workin' wimmen as powerful a weepon as that axe of the 'Postles the Bible tells about.

We didn't make no move in public, but we kinder met round to each other's housen, sort o' private like, and talked, and talked, and prayed we all knew that wuzn't aginst the church rules, so we jest rastled in prayer, for help to pay our honest debts, and keep the Methodist meetin' house from disgrace, for the men wuz that worked up and madded, that they didn't seem to care whether the meetin' house come to nothin' or not.

"Then they come in an' got to rough-housin' an' I crawl up-stairs an' lay on me stommick an' peek through the crack. An' Sheeley an' the Drunk they got to scrappin' like I tole you. An' then while the big one was tryin' to git Sheeley to quit, the Drunk he come over to the door right where I was layin' at, an' he steady hisself aginst the wall an' bang loose at Sheeley with a pistol."

"When Pete seed what I was up to he made a swipe at me, remarking several swear words at the same time, but I landed him one under the ear that sent him back so hard aginst the bottles behind him that he bounced forward agin, and I grabbed him. "He made just the sort of club I wanted. You see I had him by the shoulders and I could swing his heels free and easy like. Wal, I used him that way.

Her bed and the boy's bed looked white and cozy aginst the dark red of the carpet and the cream-colored paper. She wus glad to be with me, and said she wuz.

"Yes, I do keep me eyes peeled fer Curly," Samson drawled, as he finished his supper and pulled out his pipe. "It's necessary, let me tell ye that. He ain't safe nohow." "You have known him for some time, then?" "Long enough to be suspicious of the skunk." "He seems to be very friendly with you, though." "Oh, he's got sense enough not to buck up aginst me.

There might have been a sofa and two cushions wrought out of another fabric different from what we know anything about, and that don't make any show aginst the summer sky. And then, agin, it might be that Josiah wuz right. He sez, "It's easy enough to do that. He casts a mist before our eyes, and we have to see jest what he wanted us to."