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And he wouldn't talk to any one else, just smiled in an aggravating way, though everybody except Deacon Wiggleford and the few youngsters who'd made the trouble called to remonstrate against his paying any attention to their foolishness. The whole town turned out the next Sunday to see the Doc step down. He sat beside the Higher Lifer on the platform, and behind them were the six deacons.

"It's very well known that I'm a man what pays his way," said the boy, "and don't keep a huckster's stall to sell carrion by star-light; but live in a two pair, if you please, and has a wife and family, or as good." "O! you aggravating imp!" exclaimed the widow in despair, unable to wreak her vengeance on one who kept in a secure position, and whose movements were as nimble as his words.

"And you are sure you are not Leoline?" said Sir Norman, suspiciously. "To the best of my belief, Sir Norman, I am not," replied Hubert, reflectively. "Well, it is all very strange, and very aggravating," said Sir Norman, sighing, and sheathing his sword. "She is gone, at all events; no doubt about that and if you have not carried her off, somebody else has."

"Then why don't you go?" Mollie demanded impatiently. "If boys aren't the most aggravating things, when they want to be!" she added. "There's plenty of time," Frank assured her calmly. "I left the fellows in the first throes of cleaning up they won't be through for half an hour at least." "Well, I don't care," said Betty, continuing her journeyings into the kitchen.

These riffles had to be cleaned and the blankets washed out every evening, to get their precious accumulations and after all this eternity of trouble one third of the silver and gold in a ton of rock would find its way to the end of the troughs in the ravine at last and have to be worked over again some day. There is nothing so aggravating as silver milling.

She was very aggravating in this way. Sometimes she would even take a pencil or pen and a sheet of paper for old Blinky, and reproduce it. She could not draw, of course, for she was not a painter; all she could do was to make anything look almost just like it was. There was one thing about her which excited much talk; I suppose it was only a piece of old-maidism. Of course she was religious.

Dame Marion, however, kept standing there in amazement, with her long-handled parasol in her hand like Diana might have looked if she had shot one of her dogs instead of a hare. She could not understand from whence these people derived so much good humour when she was so bent upon aggravating them.

After this aggravating after-play, that followed upon the heels of the abolition of universal suffrage, and in which Bonaparte exchanged his humble attitude of the days of the crisis of March and April for one of defiant impudence towards the usurping parliament, the National Assembly adjourned for three months, from August 11, to November 11.

With him as an ally, she finally succeeded in patting the nose of the nearest ox. "Aren't they solemn, kind old fellows? Don't you get to think a great deal of them?" "Well, they're kind of aggravating beasts sometimes," he said. "But they're a good yoke a good yoke. They can haul with anything in this region." "It doesn't make them so terribly tired, does it?" she said hopefully.

"Only think of having to live, all one's life, with a model husband!" shuddered Beatrice hypocritically. "Be-atrice! And then, it's something to marry a title." "That's the worst of it," remarked Beatrice. "Any other girl in America would jump at the chance. I do believe, Beatrice, you are hanging back just to be aggravating. And there's another thing, Beatrice.