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But by six o'clock Tish was more amiable, having seen bear scratches on trees near the camp, and anticipating the sight of a bear. She mixed up a small cup cake while Bill was putting up our tent, and then, taking her rod, proceeded to fish, while Aggie and I searched for grasshoppers. These were few, owing to the altitude, but we caught four, which we imprisoned in a match-box.

It is only a couple of hours from Green River to Rock Springs, so I had a good nap and a late breakfast. I did my shopping and was back at Green River at two that afternoon. The first person I saw was Aggie. She sat in the depot, glowering at everybody. She had a basket of eggs and a pail of butter, which she had been trying to sell.

Aggie was rather put out when we told her what we had done; but after eating one of the cakes made of pounded beans and sugar, under Tufik's triumphant eyes, she admitted that it was probably for the best.

When the two girls went upstairs arm in arm that night, Jimmy remained in his chair by the fire, too exhausted to even prepare for bed. "A man of mettle!" he said again to himself. This had certainly been the longest day of his life. WHEN Aggie predicted that the few months of waiting would pass quickly for Zoie, she was quite correct. They passed quickly for Aggie as well; but how about Jimmy?

"I take it," he said to her, "that you decline either to give or to receive any information." "Absolutely!" He sighed then, Aggie declares. "Of course," he said, "though I haven't really the slightest curiosity, I could easily find out, you know. Your license plates " "Are under the cushion I'm sitting on," said Hutchins, and started the engine.

When luncheon was over and Aggie and I were washing the dishes and hanging out the dish towels to dry on a bush, Tish approached Bill, who was pouring water on the fire to extinguish it. "Bill," she stated, "you came to us under false pretenses. You swear, for one thing." "Only under excitement, Miss Tish," he said. "And as far as that goes, Miss Aggie herself said "

So agitated was his mind that he could scarcely hear Aggie, who was reporting proceedings from her place at the bedroom door. "She's come up the fire-escape," cried Aggie; "she's beating Alfred to death." "What?" shrieked Zoie, making a flying leap from her coverlets. "She's locking him in the bathroom," declared Aggie, and with that she disappeared from the room, bent on rescue.

Ellis controls the betting so that it may be done in an orderly manner. I am sure I have nothing to do with it." "I'd like to bet a little, Charlie," Aggie put in with an eye on Tish. "I'd put all I win on the collection plate on Sunday." "Very well." Charlie Sands took out his notebook. "On what car and how much?" "Ten dollars on the Fein. It made the best time at the trial heats."

"Which particular one of these would you recommend?" asked the practical Aggie of the Superintendent as she surveyed the first lot. "Well, it's largely a matter of taste, ma'am," he answered. "This seems a healthy little chap," he added, and seizing the long white clothes of the nearest infant, he drew him across his arm and held him out for Aggie's inspection.

This done, at last he spoke, with a new respect in his voice, a quizzical smile on his rather thin lips. "Young woman," he said emphatically, "you ought to have been a lawyer." And with that laudatory confession of her skill, he finally took his departure, while Mary smiled in a triumph she was at no pains to conceal, and Aggie sat gaping astonishment over the surprising turn of events.