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On the other hand, there was the heroic romance, with all its sighs and flames, still the rage: and a much less nimble intellect than Afra's, with a much less cosmopolitan experience, might easily see the use of transposing it into a new key.

The class had finished for the evening, and a number of the students were moving about or seated near the fire, talking in an unlimited number of languages. I was given several random introductions, and did my best to follow Afra's directions; but there was an indescribable quaintness about the appearance and manners of my new acquaintance that made it difficult not to stare.

Congreve's Incognita , the last seventeenth-century novel that requires special notice, belongs much more to the class of Afra's tales than to that of the heroic romances. It is a short story of seventy-five small pages only and of the Italian-Spanish imbroglio type.

She listened to all the teachings that were offered her, and reserved her doubts and troubles for Afra's ear. Afra would tell her whether it could be right in such a Christian as L'Ouverture to render violence for violence.

Afra's last care, before quitting Cap, was to see that her friends were properly escorted to their home. Euphrosyne was still struggling with the grief of saying farewell to Afra, when she entered the pleasant sitting-room at home; but she smiled through her tears when she saw how cheerful it looked.

Assuming the air of an ambassador, and looking round him, as if to require the attention of all present, Monsieur Coasson discharged himself of his commission, as follows: "General Toussaint " "They will not acknowledge him as L'Ouverture," observed Therese to Madame Pascal and Genifrede. Afra's eyes filled with tears.

These words renewed Afra's weeping, in the midst of which Therese hastened away: when the remnant of the anxious family retired to their chambers, not to sleep, but to pray and wait. As it might be supposed, Monsieur Revel and his grandchild had no desire to remain in Government-house a moment longer than was necessary, as Afra was obliged to leave it.

Afra's heart beat, and she did not forget Euphrosyne, as she was led to her seat by L'Ouverture, at whose entrance there was a half-suppressed murmur throughout the vast congregation a murmur which sank into silence at the first breathing of solemn music from the choir.

The middle pages of her letters contained speculation chiefly: speculation, in the first place, on Afra's future destiny, names and events being shrouded under mysterious expressions; and, in the second place, on points of morals, which might be referred to Monsieur Pascal, whose opinion was of great value.

"I was surprised that you should have seen any one yet; and I was going to give you a lecture about half-confidences with Father Gabriel." "And I could not conceive what Father Gabriel had to do with Afra's affairs, or how you came to know anything about it. I have let it out now, however; and I do not know what Afra will say."