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I have seen women in many countries, lad, beauties to set thoughts afire and swords a-play, and 'tis not her beauty alone. She hath a spirit for a queen to covet, and air and carriage, too." This eloquent harangue left me purple. "I grant it all, captain. She has but to choose her title and estate." "Ay, and I have a notion which she'll be choosing."

Saunders, she whispered: "How d'ye do, Cap'n Hedge? I guess the wust is over now, isn't it? I saw you workin' with them ropes; you must be awful tired." "How long have you been here?" asked the Captain somewhat astonished at her calmness. "Oh, I come right down as soon as I heard the bell. I'm kind of used to fires. My husband's schooner got afire twice while I was with him.

But now it was her turn to flee. She poised like a sunbeam just beyond his reach, her bosom heaving, her lips as ripe and full as the grapes above, her eyes afire with invitation. In answer to his cry she made a glowing promise, subtle, yet warm and soft, as of the flesh. "To-night, when the moon hangs over yonder pass, I shall play on the balcony outside my window. Beneath is a door, unbarred.

The report might be true or false, the deputy might deceive, and his blind chief might never know the truth unless some other spectator of his schemes should report it; and the truth could not surely be checked, save by some one, perhaps, whose life was joined to his, by one that truly loved him, whose fate was his. His brain was afire. By one that truly loved him! Who was there that loved him?

The sight of him set Nathaniel's blood afire. His white face seemed to verify the terrible thought that had leaped into his brain. Suddenly he heard a faint cry a woman's voice and in an instant he was back at the window. The girl had risen to her feet and stood facing him. This time, as her eyes met his own, he saw in them a flashing warning, and he obeyed it as if she had spoken to him.

O thou yearning flame, thou who art afire with the love of God! I have read thy letter, and its contents, well-expressed and eloquent, delighted my heart, showing as they did thy deep sincerity in the Cause of God, thy persevering steps along the pathway of His Kingdom, and thy staunchness in His Faithfor of all great things, this is the greatest in His sight.

He was still afire with the high resentment which a few hours earlier had made him go striding into the office of the Sentinel. Fragments of his statement to the editor leaped into his mind; and as he strode up and down he repeated phrases silently, but with fierce emphasis of the soul. Now and again he paused at his window and looked down into Main Street.

"There's the hotel," suggested Kansas Casey. "You don't use my hotel for no calaboose," squawked Bill Lainey. "Nawsir. Not much. You put her in yore own house, Jake. Then if she sets you afire, it's your own fault. Yeah." Jake Rule scratched his head. It was patent that he did not quite know what to do. Came then Dolan, the local justice of the peace.

Since it was so short a time until his dream was to become a reality, no longing or heartache served to set his brain afire with the agony of despair. Calmly he walked in the white straight rain among the tender trees, his tired brain clear, thinking of her. How would she receive him?

In reality she was neither passive nor passionless, for her body quivered and Phillips knew that his touch had set her afire; but rather she seemed to be exhausted and at the same time enthralled as by some dream from which she was loath to rouse herself.