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Failing that, the evils of a male preponderance, though very real, are comparatively small. For one thing, celibacy affects a woman more than a man: men, on the whole, suffer less from being unmarried. It is a more serious deprivation for the woman than for the man, in general, to be debarred from parenthood.

This event brought about an entire change in the aspect of nature, and was the cause of a sad and momentous era in the adventures of Martin Rattler and his companion. There is a peculiar and very striking feature in the character of the great Amazon, which affects the distinctive appearance of that river and materially alters the manners and customs of those who dwell beside it.

The reply is, it is possible to do so within very narrow limits, but it is not possible to keep them so. Every deterioration, accident, or adverse incident, which affects one involves all, as regards speed, though not as regards fighting force.

Viewed in the true light, those who have passed higher are rather to be envied than mourned." Then to change the current of her thoughts he said: "Can you give your mind now to a little business, Salome?" "Yes, if it concerns you," she sighed, wiping her eyes, and looking up. "It concerns me only inasmuch as it affects your interests, my love. You are of age, my Salome?"

They are capable of being made to grasp, after nearly exhausting the resources of a wealthy syndicate, something that obviously affects their material comfort. But progress in ideas, or anything in the shape of moral revolution, has to undergo a thousand-fold more tortuous process before it can be made to filter through a convention.

Technique is the art of so dealing with matter whether clay or pigment or sounds or words that it ceases to affect us in the same way as the stuff it is wrought out of originally affects us, and becomes a Transparent Symbol of a Spiritual Reality.

Such parasites are injurious and may cause disease, but it is only in rare cases that they cause death. "Pig typhoid" is sometimes spoken of as a highly infectious disease involving the intestines. A disease of hogs that may be termed typhus-fever sometimes affects a large number of the hogs in the herd.

An instant of hesitation on her part, so short, however, that I could hardly detect it, then she declared: "But you can not do that." "Why not?" "She is ill; I am sure that they will let no one approach her. One of her maids was in this morning. She did not even ask me to come over." "I am sorry," said I, "but I shall make the effort. The illness which affects Mrs.

And I'm all that matters at least, I wish I might be all that matters." "My gracious! There are lots who matter more than you! Patty and Bill, and Fleurette and " "Stop there! That's all! I'll concede those, but no others. Don't you dare say that Gale matters more than I do!" "Ray Gale? Oh, I don't know. And what do you mean by 'matters'?" "Counts. Makes a difference. Affects you.

A factor in Mendelian experiments usually affects only one organ or one part of the organism. The factor for double hallux in fowls, for instance, may coexist with single comb or rose comb. The general impression produced on the mind by study of Mendelian phenomena is that the organism is a mosaic of which every element corresponds to a separate element in the chromosomes.