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"O, yes," she replied, not conscious that in the alarm and terror of the moment she had betrayed herself, or rather her paramour "innocent Mr. Charles I'm afeard is murdhered by that revengeful villain; and now, Barney, what is to be done, and how will we get assistance to bring him home? But, cheerna above! what will become of me!" "Mr.

Howsomever, you needn't to drink dat stuff arter wat you knows; an' ef dey goes to take you forcefully off to de belfry in de night-time, you kin skreech ebbery step ob de way. Dat's de bes plan, chile, wat I kin project for your resistance; but I'se afeard dar is no hopin' you, any way we can fix it."

Therefore the devil was constrained to tell him, and said "There was a man called Christ which was hanged on the cross, and when I see his sign, I am sore afeard and flee from it wheresomever I find it." To whom Christopher said, "Then he is greater and more mightier than thou, when thou art afraid of his sign.

And then she sent for Sir Bors de Ganis in all the haste that might be. So when Sir Bors was come to-fore the queen, then she said: Ah Sir Bors, have ye heard say how falsely Sir Launcelot hath betrayed me? Alas madam, said Sir Bors, I am afeard he hath betrayed himself and us all. No force, said the queen, though he be destroyed, for he is a false traitor-knight.

'Come, there's no harm in that, said the captain; 'but, Elder Hawkins, when you are at work, just pray for us all, for I am afeard there be some of us need purging from iniquity a good deal more than Lois Barclay, and a prayer for a man never does mischief.

"I feel as bad about it as you do, but, parson, I haven't forgot that afore the war broke out, and we was afeard the captain meant to take the gal away to have her eddycated, you told us it was none of our bus'ness and he had the right to do as he thought best with his own child." "All that was true at the time, but the conditions have changed." "Now I can't foller you.

Well, so we went on for two or three days. I'd got my second sock pretty well along in that time, just think! half a week knitting half a sock! and was setting the heel, when in came Aunt Mimy. "I a'n't afeard on it," says she; "don't you be skeert. I jest stepped in ter see ef the young man wuz approachin' his eend." "No," said I, "he isn't, any more than you are, Aunt Mimy."

Then I looked out seawards and saw the ship cleaving the waters and making for the island, wherefore I was afeard and said, "The moment they come and see the youth done to death, they will know 'twas I who slew him and will slay me without respite."

Saying which, Buffle hurried out to look for Mrs. Berryn. He soon overtook her, and awkwardly said: "Mum!" She stopped. "Yer don't need to start till after daylight to reach that stage, mum, an' you'd better come back and rest yerself in my shanty till mornin'." "I am very much obliged, sir," she replied, "but " "Don't be afeard, mum," said Buffle, hastily.

My night's milk gone, I dare say; run this minit and put it out, and save the milk. I am dreadful afeard of fire, I always was from a boy, and seein' the poor foolish critter seize a broom in her fright, I ups with the tea-kettle and follows her; and away we clipt through the entry, she callin' out 'Mind the cellar door on the right! 'Take kear of the close horse on the left! and so on, but as I couldn't see nothin', I kept right straight ahead.