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The visitor was advised that in the long run it was unwise not to pay her by the hour, as was the custom, but she was not convinced until, having got work for her among her neighbors, they complained that she came at ten instead of eight, and expected pay for the whole day, and they would not employ her longer.

Should the attacking party succeed, at I have no doubt they will, we shall then avoid the risk of being shot by friends or foes." The advice was too sensible not to be followed. Scarcely had they gained the shelter which Captain O'Brien advised, than both the broadsides of the Ouzel Galley were discharged, succeeded by a rapid fire of musketry, and a loud cheer from the crews of the boats.

As it was sufficiently clear that the Junta was determined not to be advised, it became my duty to avert the evils in contemplation, by expediting the change of administration so much desired by the people.

They all advised her to do as the Frogman had told her to, so she posted the sign on her door and waited patiently for someone to return the dishpan which no one ever did. Again she went, accompanied by a group of her neighbors, to the Frogman, who by this time had given the matter considerable thought.

"I wouldn't go for any doctor," advised Bingley cautiously; "see; his eyelids are moving this row will be all over town if you do." But Joel was flying off. "Come back!" called Bingley, "I vow he's all right; he's opened his eyes, Pepper." Joel turned; saw for himself that Dobbs was really looking at him, and that his lips moved as if he wanted to say something.

"I have advised him not to promise too much, as is the habit of many white men," Jeffords answered, "and I believe he is honest." The old war-chief fell silent again. Finally he turned to General Howard. "Some of my young men," he said slowly, "are away now. They are making their living. They may come back at any time. And when they come back there may be trouble.

I advised Lisa to rest in her own room, instead of shopping, as she would have the long motor run later in the day, and a night journey; but she was dressed and seemed to want to go out.

A wise man in the parish advised them to open the grave and to look if the buried man was not lying sucking his thumb; for if so, he was a man of the sea, and the sea would not rest until it had got him back. So the grave was opened, and he really was found with his thumb in his mouth.

From the moment of his arrival his council advised the admission of the French Canadians to a share in power. He refused, for Stanley had very carefully instructed him on that subject.

Slaughter then brought up his remuda, and while the work of dirting the bridge was still going on, crossed and recrossed his band of saddle horses twenty times. When the bridge looked completed to every one else, young Pete advised laying stringers across on either side; so a number of small trees were felled and guard rails strung across the ends of the logs and staked.