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They protected what was gained in the war from adroit efforts to put it all at risk again, through an untimely appeal to the noble principle of Arbitration. They held and I am sure the best friends of the principle will thank them for holding that an honest resort to Arbitration must come before war, to avert its horrors, not after war, to escape its consequences.

By a little adroit manoeuvring Van Reypen managed things so that he and Azalea did not go to New York in the motor with Patty and Mona, but went down by themselves in the train. For Azalea was most anxious that Patty should not know she was going to the moving pictures, and especially that she was going to see "Star of the West." It had already become a popular picture and was drawing crowds.

The South Carolina politicians have hitherto shown themselves adroit managers, shrewd in detecting and profiting by the weaknesses of men; but their experience has not been of a kind to give them practical wisdom in that vastly more important part of government which depends for success on common sense and business-habits.

"I mean people who are rough-shod on political and financial ideas." "Whom have you seen? if I may ask without indiscretion," said the landlord innocently, expectorating after the adroit and periodical fashion of smokers. "A fine, energetic fellow named Margaritis." Mitouflet cast two glances in succession at his guest which were expressive of chilling irony. "May be; the good-man knows a deal.

He had quietly witnessed, at Algeciras, the Prince's adroit card "riffling" in the sun-parlors of The Reina Cristina, when the gouty ex-ambassador to Persia had parted company with many cumbersome dollars. Durkin's only course, in that time of adversity and humility, had been one of silence.

"Poor child! how have you breathed so long the air of this dismal house without dying of it? You, made to reign in the world, to inhabit the palace of a prince, to live in the midst of fetes, to feel the joys which love bestows, to see the world at your feet, to efface all other beauty by your own which can have no rival you, to live here, solitary, with those two shopkeepers!" Adroit question!

He retires sullenly to where he shows his grim cannons, domineering the lovely valleys of Alsace and the fruitful fields of Lorraine. Louise Moreau is well now. The visits of her responsible guardian are resumed. Adroit as a priest can be, Pere Francois cannot run down this visitor. Too sly to call in others, too proud to use a hireling, in patience the priest bides his time.

After enumerating briefly the ties which connected him with this region, slipping in as he did so an adroit and dignified allusion to his birth which "was not like that of others," Sallenauve stated clearly his political ideas. A Republic he thought the finest of all governments; but he did not believe it possible to establish one in France; consequently, he did not desire it.

Things looked unpromising, he couldn't but acknowledge, for his young client. In the absence of legal proof, and with an adroit and unscrupulous antagonist, whose interests were so strongly enlisted in defeating justice, it was difficult to see what was to be done. "I understand then, Mr. Davis," he said, finally, "that you deny the justice of this claim?"

The correspondence as well as the life of M. de Rohan was not worthy of a prince of the church: the vices and the credulity of the cardinal had given him over, bound hand and foot, to an intriguing woman as adroit as she was daring.