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"The trouble with you is you haven't any heart," went on Jordan. "How you put your mind on anything but finding that child I don't know. But I notice you manage to keep close on Theo's heels every minute." "I love him," admitted Molly. "Don't you love your son, your poor little lost son?" "Of course, Jordan! Don't be stupid!... Of course I do, but I don't know where he is."

Romeo candidly admitted that twenty dogs might well be sufficient for people of simple tastes and Juliet did not deny that only a "sissy girl" would be annoyed by barking. Eventually, Romeo promised not to bring home any more dogs unless the present supply should be depleted by disappearance or accident, and Juliet promised not to chloroform any without his consent.

"It was just as necessary to hear Bruno's question," the sister said. "I knew that Lippo was in good hands. I thought naturally that you would be able to say the right word to him. You know yourself how he respects you." "Oh, yes, that is right," Uncle Philip admitted.

"It often is," admitted Ernest; "but in my experience that doesn't make it any better. In fact, the most disagreeable sort of depression is that which we know we are responsible for ourselves. When other people annoy us, we have the tonic effect of righteous indignation; but not when we annoy ourselves and know ourselves to blame."

Cairn began to pace the room again. "I am not surprised," he admitted; "she has always been taught to regard him in the light of a brother. But nevertheless we must put a stop to it. How did you learn this?"

I wanted to make my own career, but was not allowed; to work at a useful occupation, would somehow have humiliated our ridiculous pride, and there was, of course, only one hope left for you." She paused, and colored as she resumed: "Well, although I am not sorry, it looks as if that hope had gone." "It would have been a relief if you had made a good marriage," Mrs. Osborn admitted.

He freely admitted to himself that he was a worthless person but the fact did not disturb him. Having been born with a certain order of brain it observed and worked in spite of him, thereby adding flavour and interest to existence. But that was all.

"Yes, she was fond of me," Phebe admitted; "and she wanted me to stay for one more year." "I wish you had." Phebe shook her head. "I couldn't. At first, I thought it would be delightful, and all our plans were made. Then, one night, I couldn't sleep at all, for thinking about it. By morning, my mind was made up; and then, " "And then?" Theodora asked. Phebe rose and bent over the trunk once more.

Dickon looked across the grass at the tree and Mary looked and there was a brief moment of stillness. "Yes," answered Dickon, after it, and his low voice had a very gentle sound. Mary gazed at the tree and thought. "The branches are quite gray and there's not a single leaf anywhere," Colin went on. "It's quite dead, isn't it?" "Aye," admitted Dickon.

"Don't you admire my pink brains?" demanded the Cat. "They're pretty," admitted the Wizard, "but they're not regular brains, you know, and so we don't expect them to amount to much." "But if I find your black bag and find it inside of five minutes will you admit my pink brains are better than your common human brains?"