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My collection I admit is a good one, but there are at least three others in Europe and two in America which are better. It is unique in one particular: the section containing religious objects, totems, and gods of all ages is more complete than that of any other collector, or of any museum. The bulk of it unfortunately is at my house in London."

I do not say they admit it; on the contrary, they deny it. But we have argued it; we believe, we think we have shown it.

"I know of nothing of the kind," said Dick with great interest, "but I admit I thought there might be something wrong somewhere. He knew I was coming here to-day in fact, he suggested it but he sent Miss Asher no sort of message." "Can it be possible he is cherishing any hard feelings against her?" she remarked. "I should not have supposed he was that sort of man."

Six engines, each of 350 horse-power, admit of an extreme speed of 70 miles per hour if necessary.

"What do you think of him, Estelle?" asked Alice. "Why, I think he's very nice, but he's altogether wrong about me." "And yet he seemed so positive." "Yes, that is what makes it strange. But I never saw him before that is, as far as I know; and I'm certain I was never in Portland. He must be mistaken, but it was nice of him to admit it.

As for the Ladies, I do not know how many there were of them, but they were of good social position quite as good as the average of those whose main object in life is to look as much better than their neighbors as circumstances will admit.

I have been taken to task by a friend of mine on the "other side" for my strictures on Senator Smith's investigation into the loss of the Titanic, in the number of The English Review for May, 1912. I will admit that the motives of the investigation may have been excellent, and probably were; my criticism bore mainly on matters of form and also on the point of efficiency.

I am prepared to admit that she was, but of course there are more beautiful women and more sensual women, more charming women, cleverer women I suppose there are yet no one ever charmed me, enchanted me that is the word like this woman, and I can find no reason for the enchantment in her or in myself, only this, that she represents more of the divine essence out of which all things have come than any other woman."

Carriages were ordered under the idea that some improvement might be made at the inn which was nearly a mile distant. Very few, however, had their own carriages, and there was jockeying for the vehicles. In the midst of all this Silverbridge remained as near to Miss Boncassen as circumstances would admit. "You are not waiting for me," she said. "Yes, I am. We might as well go up to town together."

"I thought it possible," said Keswick, as soon as the two had fairly begun to smoke, "that you might not yet have left here, and so came over in the hope of seeing you." "Very kind," said Lawrence. Keswick smiled. "I must admit," said he, "that it was not solely for the pleasure of meeting you again that I came, although I am very glad to have an opportunity for renewing our acquaintance.