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When I got back to the house, I felt for my handkerchief, and found that scalawag's roll o' bills, which I'd clean forgot. Here it is." He pulled out a fat roll of crisp greenbacks. Si took them, thumbed them over admiringly, counted them, and handed them to Shorty, who did the same. "Yes, there's $500 there," said Si. "What are you goin' to do with it, Pap?"

She wore her pearl necklace and bracelets, a broad sash of rich white ribbon; no other ornaments save a half-blown moss rosebud at her bosom, and another amid the glossy ringlets of her hair, their green leaves the only bit of color about her. "You look like a bride," said Herbert, gazing admiringly upon her.

And when she and Warren were in the car homeward bound, she spoke admiringly of Magsie. "Did you ever see any one so improved, Warren? Really, she's quite extraordinary!" Warren smiled absently. "She's a terribly spoiled little thing," he remarked. "She's out for a rich man, and she'll get him!"

Harry Temple looked at her admiringly, noted the dainty set of chin, the clear curve of cheek, the lovely sweep of eyelashes, and resolved to get better acquainted with this woman, so young and so lovely.

The singularity lay in the fact that Miss Wycliffe, in spite of the prejudice and influence of her father, was siding against her own class. Leigh listened with growing interest and wonder to her charges of snobbishness and corruption against the Republican clique. "You certainly love fair play," he remarked admiringly.

"It may have cleared up. Well, we'd better order the cart," she added meekly, as she rang the bell. "I'm not of age yet, you see, Rorie. Please, Peters, tell West to get papa's dog-cart ready for Mr. Vawdrey, and to drive Starlight Bess." Rorie looked at the bright face admiringly.

"Chest-weight chest-developer." "Oh!" Stover examined the device curiously, "I thought a chest- developer came in a bottle." Fresno explained the operation of the apparatus, at which the cow-man remarked, admiringly: "That young feller is all right, ain't he?" "Think so?" "Sure! Don't you?" Fresno explained his doubts by a crafty lift of his brows and a shrug. "I thought so at first."

"And when I've told him all I'm going to tell him, if he doesn't interfere if he isn't aching to interfere he will be one!" Miss Crilly giggled. "You're the greatest!" she said admiringly. The next morning Polly awoke with the vague consciousness that something of importance was at hand. Then she remembered. To-day she was to see Mr. Randolph! During breakfast the matter was discussed.

But she grew more composed after a time, and then in reply to many questions of Mark, related incident after incident, in which his mother's goodness of character stood prominent. The young man listened intently, sometimes with his eyes upon the ground, and sometimes gazing admiringly into the sweet face of the young speaker. Time passed more rapidly than either Mark or Jenny imagined.

She said it in a cool little voice that sounded like one in entire command of the situation, and Opal turned around and stared at her admiringly.